c++ Programming Glossary: np
how to detect region of large # of white pixels using opencv? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10262600/how-to-detect-region-of-large-of-white-pixels-using-opencv image is just a black image import cv2 import numpy as np img cv2.imread 'bus.png' img cv2.resize img 400 500 gray cv2.cvtColor.. ret gray cv2.threshold gray 127 255 0 gray2 gray.copy mask np.zeros gray.shape np.uint8 Now find contours in the threshold.. gray 127 255 0 gray2 gray.copy mask np.zeros gray.shape np.uint8 Now find contours in the threshold image. Filter the contour..
cannot call member function without object http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1127738/cannot-call-member-function-without-object member function without object This program has the user input name age pairs and then outputs them using a class. Here is.. could for example look like this int main Name_pairs np cout Enter names and ages. Use 0 to cancel. n while np.test.. np cout Enter names and ages. Use 0 to cancel. n while np.test np.read_names np.read_ages np.print keep_window_open ..
I need high performance. Will there be a difference if I use C or C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1750937/i-need-high-performance-will-there-be-a-difference-if-i-use-c-or-c ordering problems. In general I will have very large inputs as Graphs and will try to find the best solution based on.. math going on in each iteration. Thanks c c performance np hard share improve this question No. The biggest performance..
How to detect a Christmas Tree? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20772893/how-to-detect-a-christmas-tree the images that are shared on this question. There are 6 input images and the answer should display the results of processing.. image processing from PIL import Image import numpy as np import scipy as sp import matplotlib.colors as colors from sklearn.cluster.. sklearn.cluster import DBSCAN from math import ceil sqrt Inputs rgbimg M N 3 numpy array containing uint 0 255 color image..
Linking cURL in Makefile http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6601041/linking-curl-in-makefile the built in rules of GNU make see output of make np and define your own. I would suggest that you either use the..
writing a matrix into a single txt file with mpi http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9777828/writing-a-matrix-into-a-single-txt-file-with-mpi gives mpicc o matrixastxt matrixastxt.c std c99 mpirun np 4 . matrixastxt more all data.txt 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000..
writing robust (color and size invariant) circle detection with opencv (based on Hough transform or other features) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9860667/writing-robust-color-and-size-invariant-circle-detection-with-opencv-based-on code to find circles in an image import cv import numpy as np WAITKEY_DELAY_MS 10 STOP_KEY 'q' cv.NamedWindow image press.. cv.CV_HOUGH_GRADIENT 2 32.0 HIGH LOW for i in range 0 len np.asarray storage print circle # d i Radius int np.asarray storage.. 0 len np.asarray storage print circle # d i Radius int np.asarray storage i 0 2 x int np.asarray storage i 0 0 y int np.asarray..
Difference between `constexpr` and `const` http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14116003/difference-between-constexpr-and-const static constexpr int N 3 int main constexpr const int NP N return 0 Here NP is declared as an address constant expression.. int N 3 int main constexpr const int NP N return 0 Here NP is declared as an address constant expression i.e. an pointer.. always refers to the expression being declared here NP while const refers to int it declares a pointer to const . Removing..
I need high performance. Will there be a difference if I use C or C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1750937/i-need-high-performance-will-there-be-a-difference-if-i-use-c-or-c a program a project for university that solves approx an NP hard problem. It is a variation of Linear ordering problems...
Is C# really slower than say C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5326269/is-c-sharp-really-slower-than-say-c code like most other optimization problems is largely an NP complete problem. For anything but a truly trivial toy program..
Algorithm to determine coin combinations http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5897184/algorithm-to-determine-coin-combinations Actually after thinking about it it's an ILP and thus NP hard. I'd suggest some dynamic programming appyroach. Basically..
How to find which elements are in the bag, using Knapsack Algorithm [and not only the bag's value]? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7489398/how-to-find-which-elements-are-in-the-bag-using-knapsack-algorithm-and-not-onl the optimal value by knapsack algorithm bin packing NP hard problem int Knapsack knapsack std vector Item items int..