c++ Programming Glossary: notifications
Poco::Net Server & Client TCP Connection Event Handler http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14632341/poconet-server-client-tcp-connection-event-handler is the reacting engine threaded which creates notifications about the socket ConnectionHandler StreamSocket SocketReactor..
Do I need to synchronize std::condition_variable/condition_variable_any::notify_one http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15887306/do-i-need-to-synchronize-stdcondition-variable-condition-variable-anynotify notify_one As far as I can see if lost of notifications is acceptable it is OK to call notify_one not protected by mutex.. The internal mutex must be locked to avoid missed notifications if other threads are just about to wait on the condition_variable_any..
How are exceptions implemented under the hood? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1995734/how-are-exceptions-implemented-under-the-hood non local flow control constructs. Other examples are notifications a generalization of exceptions originally from some old Lisp..
Does anyone have a FileSystemWatcher-like class in C++/WinAPI? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2107275/does-anyone-have-a-filesystemwatcher-like-class-in-c-winapi en us library aa365465 VS.85 .aspx It stores notifications in a buffer so you don't miss any changes unless the buffer..
How to code a new Windows Shell? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2270527/how-to-code-a-new-windows-shell been documented so there are some issues with file change notifications etc. The basics are SystemParametersInfo SPI_SETMINIMIZEDMETRICS..
wxWidgets vs Qt [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2886258/wxwidgets-vs-qt No proxy support in the socket library not many notifications and if you have to more than likely have to do it yourself awful..
How to parse JSON in C++? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3070856/how-to-parse-json-in-c true contributors_enabled false lang en notifications null created_at Wed Dec 30 07 50 52 0000 2009 profile_sidebar_border_color.. true contributors_enabled false lang en notifications null created_at Wed Dec 30 07 50 52 0000 2009 profile_sidebar_border_color..
How can I run code on Windows Mobile while being suspended? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/336771/how-can-i-run-code-on-windows-mobile-while-being-suspended serial port 1. Create a message queue and request power notifications using RequestPowerNotifications hMsgQueue PBT_POWERINFOCHANGE..
Reading and writing to USB (HID) interrupt endpoints on Mac http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3368008/reading-and-writing-to-usb-hid-interrupt-endpoints-on-mac m_output_pipe pipe_ref set up async completion notifications result m_intf CreateInterfaceAsyncEventSource m_intf compl_event_source..
How to detect win32 process creation/termination in c++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3556048/how-to-detect-win32-process-creation-termination-in-c process creation termination in c I know that to receive notifications about win32 process creation or termination we might implement..
System.AccessViolationException from unmanaged code? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3652380/system-accessviolationexception-from-unmanaged-code the media session posts events that you can handle for notifications. This is done by calling BeginGetEvent on the session object..
Detecting USB Insertion / Removal Events in Windows using C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4078909/detecting-usb-insertion-removal-events-in-windows-using-c code on the Microsoft website shows how to receive event notifications via WMI How could it be modified to receive USB insertion removal..
How can some code be run each time an exception is thrown in a Visual C++ program? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4223390/how-can-some-code-be-run-each-time-an-exception-is-thrown-in-a-visual-c-progra a custom debugger use the Debug API see here which gets notifications of when an exception is thrown. At that point you can create..
C++ Boost.ASIO: passing accepted TCP connection from one opened socket to another using Windows APIs ( while works with Linux APIs)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5326564/c-boost-asio-passing-accepted-tcp-connection-from-one-opened-socket-to-anothe performed with such duplicate handles generate completion notifications. Careful consideration is advised. Knowing that IOCP is related..
“Speech bubble” notifications http://stackoverflow.com/questions/593341/speech-bubble-notifications Speech bubble&rdquo notifications I'm trying to get a notification to pop up something like these.. have to appear without mouse over Cheers c# .net c mfc notifications share improve this question Just found this on CodeProject...
Can I use a SetTimer() API in a console c++ app http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7531650/can-i-use-a-settimer-api-in-a-console-c-app