c++ Programming Glossary: notify_one
Massive CPU load using std::lock (c++11) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13667810/massive-cpu-load-using-stdlock-c11 of the class uses a std condition_variable with wait and notify_one on mutex1 for some code to be executed selectively at the same.. 5 std cout setting condition notify n cond true cond_var.notify_one std this_thread sleep_for std chrono seconds 5 lock1.unlock..
C++11 thread-safe queue http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15278343/c11-thread-safe-queue additional files that more have arrived populatedNotifier.notify_one std string FileQueue dequeue const std chrono milliseconds timeout.. ”The function will unblock when signaled by a call to notify_one a call to notify_all expiration of the absolute timeout 30.2.4..
Do I need to synchronize std::condition_variable/condition_variable_any::notify_one http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15887306/do-i-need-to-synchronize-stdcondition-variable-condition-variable-anynotify synchronize std condition_variable condition_variable_any notify_one Do I need to synchronize std condition_variable condition_variable_any.. synchronize std condition_variable condition_variable_any notify_one As far as I can see if lost of notifications is acceptable it.. if lost of notifications is acceptable it is OK to call notify_one not protected by mutex for example . For instance I saw following..