c++ Programming Glossary: notify
Combing an External Event Loop with Qt's http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1051333/combing-an-external-event-loop-with-qts QtCore # Global variable used as a quick and dirty way to notify my # main event loop that the MainWindow has been exited APP_RUNNING..
Massive CPU load using std::lock (c++11) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13667810/massive-cpu-load-using-stdlock-c11 of the class uses a std condition_variable with wait and notify_one on mutex1 for some code to be executed selectively at the.. sleep_for std chrono seconds 5 std cout setting condition notify n cond true cond_var.notify_one std this_thread sleep_for std.. 5 std cout setting condition notify n cond true cond_var.notify_one std this_thread sleep_for std chrono seconds 5 lock1.unlock..
C++11 thread-safe queue http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15278343/c11-thread-safe-queue populatedNotifier is a std condition_variable intended to notify waiting threads of a new item in the queue void FileQueue enqueue.. additional files that more have arrived populatedNotifier.notify_one std string FileQueue dequeue const std chrono milliseconds.. ”The function will unblock when signaled by a call to notify_one a call to notify_all expiration of the absolute timeout..
Qt and error handling strategy http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1578331/qt-and-error-handling-strategy share improve this question Override QApplication notify and handle exceptions there not 100 on the return value . You.. but they don't get propagated to Qt in this way. bool notify QObject rec QEvent ev try return QApplication notify rec ev.. bool notify QObject rec QEvent ev try return QApplication notify rec ev catch my Exception e QMessageBox warning 0 tr An error..
wait and notify in C/C++ shared memory http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2085511/wait-and-notify-in-c-c-shared-memory and notify in C C shared memory How to wait and notify like in Java In.. and notify in C C shared memory How to wait and notify like in Java In C C for shared memory between two or more thread.. Instead of the Java object that you would use to wait notify you need two objects a mutex and a condition variable. These..
Dealing with Floating Point exceptions http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2219244/dealing-with-floating-point-exceptions obvious case What can I do during coding my program to notify where the error happens and what types it is when it happens..
How do I find where an exception was thrown in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2443135/how-do-i-find-where-an-exception-was-thrown-in-c for a program compiled to contain debug symbols not to notify me of where in my code an exception was generated. Is there..
Handle complex options with Boost's program_options http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2935587/handle-complex-options-with-boosts-program-options vm po store po parse_command_line argc argv options vm po notify vm std cout Seed type seedModel.type n if seedModel.param1 std..
Game Objects Talking To Each Other http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4574016/game-objects-talking-to-each-other via the interface it knows about the EMS will then notify each registered object of the event. You could do a MSG_PlayerDied..
C++0x has no semaphores? How to synchronize threads? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4792449/c0x-has-no-semaphores-how-to-synchronize-threads unsigned long count_ public semaphore count_ void notify boost mutex scoped_lock lock mutex_ count_ condition_.notify_one.. boost mutex scoped_lock lock mutex_ count_ condition_.notify_one void wait boost mutex scoped_lock lock mutex_ while count_..
Making swap faster, easier to use and exception-safe http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4875289/making-swap-faster-easier-to-use-and-exception-safe and copy assignment operator. For example they might notify observers of their change. I deem this a minor issue because..
Some clarification needed about synchronous versus asynchronous asio operations http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5282659/some-clarification-needed-about-synchronous-versus-asynchronous-asio-operations Completion of the operation causes the I O service to notify your program through a completion handler. The time between..
How to be notified of file/directory change in C/C++, ideally using POSIX http://stackoverflow.com/questions/61253/how-to-be-notified-of-file-directory-change-in-c-c-ideally-using-posix is to poll intelligently. But every OS has some means to notify without polling. Is it possible in a reasonably cross platform.. posix share improve this question Linux users can use inotify inotify is a Linux kernel subsystem that provides file system.. share improve this question Linux users can use inotify inotify is a Linux kernel subsystem that provides file system event..
A function-definition is not allowed here before '{' http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8859491/a-function-definition-is-not-allowed-here-before true if flags_ ENTITY_FLAG_GHOST is the entity a ghost notify the entity of other collisions valid_pos int x_ new_x int y_..
How to send a notification that's handled by ON_NOTIFY? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1272398/how-to-send-a-notification-thats-handled-by-on-notify owner class. Am I wrong to be using PostMessage to send a Notify event Is there a difference between Notify messages and WM_.. to send a Notify event Is there a difference between Notify messages and WM_ prefix messages or how they're handled Can..
Extend the life of threads with synchronization (C++11) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15252292/extend-the-life-of-threads-with-synchronization-c11 std unique_lock std mutex l td.m td.jobs.push std move j Notify the thread that there is work do to... td.cv.notify_one Wait.. std unique_lock std mutex l td.m td.jobs.push std move j Notify the thread that there is work do to... td.cv.notify_one Wait..
C++11 thread-safe queue http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15278343/c11-thread-safe-queue mutex lock qMutex q.push std forward std string filename Notify anyone waiting for additional files that more have arrived populatedNotifier.notify_one..
Compilable C++ code to implement a secure SLL/TLS client using MS SSPI http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2032056/compilable-c-code-to-implement-a-secure-sll-tls-client-using-ms-sspi 6sm17740567yxg.66 SMTP session Complete Sending Close Notify 23 bytes of handshake data sent Disconnected From Server Begin..
How can I sort a singly linked list in constant space? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/842407/how-can-i-sort-a-singly-linked-list-in-constant-space # Swap if items in wrong order. if curr.item next.item # Notify loop to do one more pass. swapped true # Swap elements swapping..