c++ Programming Glossary: hotkeys
How can I disable specific Windows hotkeys from inside a software using C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11352343/how-can-i-disable-specific-windows-hotkeys-from-inside-a-software-using-c can I disable specific Windows hotkeys from inside a software using C I want to put inside a software.. it to disable Windows Xp Vista specially 7 and sucessors hotkeys that could allow the user to get away from the software. Details.. while the software is running when its not running Windows hotkeys must be enabled so if the user starts the software the hotkeys..
How can I prevent RegisterHotKey from blocking the key for other applications? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18685726/how-can-i-prevent-registerhotkey-from-blocking-the-key-for-other-applications I am writing a win32 application that needs to take hotkeys while not on focus it runs in the background without drawing.. improve this question RegisterHotKey registers global hotkeys. Hotkeys are processed before regular keyboard input processing..
How to check if window is “Always on top”? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5364063/how-to-check-if-window-is-always-on-top if window is &ldquo Always on top&rdquo In my useful hotkeys program i have a global hotkey which sets your current foreground.. SWP_NOSIZE at the moment i have to have two separate hotkeys Win Z to set window to TOPMOST anjd Win X to set window to NOTOPMOST...