c++ Programming Glossary: hresinfo
embedded resource in c++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1074362/embedded-resource-in-c and use the following code to get the resource HRSRC hResInfo FindResource hInstance MAKEINTRESOURCE resourceId type HGLOBAL.. resourceId type HGLOBAL hRes LoadResource hInstance hResInfo LPVOID memRes LockResource hRes DWORD sizeRes SizeofResource.. LockResource hRes DWORD sizeRes SizeofResource hInstance hResInfo Here you have to change resourceId and type . For example for..
reading an application's manifest file? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/420852/reading-an-applications-manifest-file hModule LPCTSTR lpType LPWSTR lpName LONG_PTR lParam HRSRC hResInfo FindResource hModule lpName lpType DWORD cbResource SizeofResource.. lpName lpType DWORD cbResource SizeofResource hModule hResInfo HGLOBAL hResData LoadResource hModule hResInfo const BYTE pResource.. hModule hResInfo HGLOBAL hResData LoadResource hModule hResInfo const BYTE pResource const BYTE LockResource hResData TCHAR..