c++ Programming Glossary: hprocess
C++ Get Username From Process http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2686096/c-get-username-from-process Username From Process I have a process handle with HANDLE hProcess OpenProcess PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION PROCESS_VM_READ 0 THE_PROCESS_ID..
Windows Vista/Win7 Privilege Problem: SeDebugPrivilege & OpenProcess http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2932461/windows-vista-win7-privilege-problem-sedebugprivilege-openprocess to open processes for int i 0 i pidList.size i HANDLE hProcess NULL hProcess OpenProcess PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS FALSE pidList i.. for int i 0 i pidList.size i HANDLE hProcess NULL hProcess OpenProcess PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS FALSE pidList i if hProcess NULL.. hProcess OpenProcess PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS FALSE pidList i if hProcess NULL Error is occurring here under the given conditions cout..
How to get hWnd of window opened by ShellExecuteEx.. hProcess? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3269390/how-to-get-hwnd-of-window-opened-by-shellexecuteex-hprocess to get hWnd of window opened by ShellExecuteEx.. hProcess This simple issue seems to be fraught with side issues. eg... SW_SHOW sei.hInstApp NULL if ShellExecuteEx sei I have sei.hProcess but how best to utilize it from here ... c process window handle.. true .... if ShellExecuteEx sei WaitForInputIdle sei.hProcess INFINITE ProcessWindowsInfo Info GetProcessId sei.hProcess EnumWindows..
How to Log Stack Frames with Windows x64 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/590160/how-to-log-stack-frames-with-windows-x64 __in DWORD MachineType GetCurrentProcess __in HANDLE hProcess GetCurrentThread __in HANDLE hThread stk __inout LP STACKFRAME64.. __in DWORD MachineType GetCurrentProcess __in HANDLE hProcess GetCurrentThread __in HANDLE hThread stk __inout LP STACKFRAME64..
Prevent user process from being killed with “End Process” from Process Explorer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6185975/prevent-user-process-from-being-killed-with-end-process-from-process-explorer the answer in code static const bool ProtectProcess HANDLE hProcess GetCurrentProcess EXPLICIT_ACCESS denyAccess 0 DWORD dwAccessPermissions.. NULL pTempDacl check dwErr... dwErr SetSecurityInfo hProcess SE_KERNEL_OBJECT DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION NULL NULL pTempDacl.. NULL check dwErr... LocalFree pTempDacl CloseHandle hProcess return dwErr ERROR_SUCCESS c windows process share improve..
Run-Time Check Failure #0 loading QueryFullProcessImageName from kernel32.dll http://stackoverflow.com/questions/696306/run-time-check-failure-0-loading-queryfullprocessimagename-from-kernel32-dll WINBASEAPI BOOL LPQueryFullProcessImageName __in HANDLE hProcess __in DWORD dwFlags __out_ecount_part lpdwSize lpdwSize LPSTR.. to typedef BOOL WINAPI LPQueryFullProcessImageName HANDLE hProcess DWORD dwFlags LPSTR lpExeName PDWORD lpdwSize WINBASEAPI is..
How can I get a process handle by its name in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/865152/how-can-i-get-a-process-handle-by-its-name-in-c TRUE if stricmp entry.szExeFile target.exe 0 HANDLE hProcess OpenProcess PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS FALSE entry.th32ProcessID Do.. FALSE entry.th32ProcessID Do stuff.. CloseHandle hProcess CloseHandle snapshot return 0 Also if you'd like to use PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS.. TRUE if stricmp entry.szExeFile target.exe 0 HANDLE hProcess OpenProcess PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS FALSE entry.th32ProcessID Do..
How can I hook Windows functions in C/C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/873658/how-can-i-hook-windows-functions-in-c-c fullPath MAX_PATH s DllToInject.dll dirPath HANDLE hProcess OpenProcess PROCESS_CREATE_THREAD PROCESS_VM_OPERATION PROCESS_VM_WRITE.. LoadLibraryA LPVOID llParam LPVOID VirtualAllocEx hProcess NULL strlen fullPath MEM_RESERVE MEM_COMMIT PAGE_READWRITE .. MEM_RESERVE MEM_COMMIT PAGE_READWRITE WriteProcessMemory hProcess llParam fullPath strlen fullPath NULL CreateRemoteThread hProcess..