c++ Programming Glossary: horrible
What are the most widely used C++ vector/matrix math/linear algebra libraries, and their cost and benefit tradeoffs? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1380371/what-are-the-most-widely-used-c-vector-matrix-math-linear-algebra-libraries-a
Visual C++ equivalent of GCC's __attribute__ ((__packed__)) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1537964/visual-c-equivalent-of-gccs-attribute-packed slick way of doing it but you could possibly do something horrible like this #include packed.h struct Foo members go here PACKED..
private inheritance http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1576978/private-inheritance understanding of inheritance C œprivate inheritance is a horrible misnomer it is not inheritance as far as everything outside..
Help a C++ newbie understand his mistakes: header files and cpp files http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1686204/help-a-c-newbie-understand-his-mistakes-header-files-and-cpp-files a matter of hours instead of seconds. Oh no That sounds horrible However can I prevent this dire fate Unfortunately there's not..
Fast bignum square computation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18465326/fast-bignum-square-computation of simple O N^2 multiplication. probably because of that horrible recursion that i cant see any way to avoid. Its trade off must..
Good free FTP Client Library (for Windows C++ commercial apps)? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/259166/good-free-ftp-client-library-for-windows-c-commercial-apps app. We have used Wininet for years and it's buggy and horrible. The last straw is the IE8 beta 2 contains a new bug in InternetGetLastResponseInfo..
wxWidgets vs Qt [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2886258/wxwidgets-vs-qt anywhere in it. The design is based on Dev C which was a horrible IDE and never maintained at all. While it does fix it up some..
How to learn proper C++? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2963019/how-to-learn-proper-c I see a list of #define s and I think Gracious that's horrible Very un C like only to go and mindlessly write class wrappers..
Undefined reference to vtable http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3065154/undefined-reference-to-vtable reference to vtable So I'm getting the infamously horrible undefined reference to 'vtable... error for the following code..
Reading from a text field in another application's window http://stackoverflow.com/questions/352236/reading-from-a-text-field-in-another-applications-window MSDN help is hard to browse since Win32 API has such horrible naming conventions. Completed See my answer below for a how..
Stack,Static and Heap in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/408670/stack-static-and-heap-in-c allocations. Some other languages like Python would be horrible without GC so I think it comes down to what you want out of..
5 years later, is there something better than the “Fastest Possible C++ Delegates”? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4298408/5-years-later-is-there-something-better-than-the-fastest-possible-c-delegate now our problem is the fact that the syntax is absolutely horrible. The syntax appears redundant can't the compiler figure out..
push_back vs emplace_back http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4303513/push-back-vs-emplace-back just once to emulate variadic template with preprocessor horrible tricks know how disgusting this stuff gets. share improve..
Integrate type name in static_assert output? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6415186/integrate-type-name-in-static-assert-output T0 decltype somethingComplicated T7 value_type something horrible happened where std my_check ... value is the boolean result..
Protecting executable from reverse engineering? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6481668/protecting-executable-from-reverse-engineering intellectually satisfying than just generating reams of horrible spaghetti code. This does nothing to block a determined attacker..
Is it smart to replace boost::thread and boost::mutex with c++11 equivalents? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7241993/is-it-smart-to-replace-boostthread-and-boostmutex-with-c11-equivalents thinks that boost is another dependency and that it is horrible because you depend on it I tried explaining the quality of boost..
Rotate cv::Mat using cv::warpAffine offsets destination image http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7813376/rotate-cvmat-using-cvwarpaffine-offsets-destination-image to the middle of the image and this operation leaves a horrible and large black border around the image. How do I fix these..
C++ class member function callback http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8079453/c-class-member-function-callback classUDF double a callback_this.realUDF a Its really horrible code but I'm afraid you're out of luck with such a bad design..
Why can't I make a vector of references? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/922360/why-cant-i-make-a-vector-of-references it a vector reference instead std vector int hello I get horrible errors like error C2528 'pointer' pointer to reference is illegal..
What is a C++ delegate? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9568150/what-is-a-c-delegate so I can just use them and not have to delve into the horrible nested template awfulness. These two The Code Project articles..