c++ Programming Glossary: homework
Print an ASCII art diamond http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1541487/print-an-ascii-art-diamond an ASCII art diamond This is a homework question I got for my programming course at school and I'm kind.. I won't try to give a complete answer since it's homework but my immediate advice would be to try to break the task down..
Given a start and end point, and a distance, calculate a point along a line http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1800138/given-a-start-and-end-point-and-a-distance-calculate-a-point-along-a-line from x2 y2 px py Thanks for the responses no this is not homework just some hacking out of my normal area of expertise. This is..
Rotating an image in C/C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2278414/rotating-an-image-in-c-c Or at least please explain the algorithm. Its not a homework. I need this code for my project. And we can use any external..
priority queue with limited space: looking for a good algorithm http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2933758/priority-queue-with-limited-space-looking-for-a-good-algorithm limited space looking for a good algorithm This is not a homework. I'm using a small priority queue implemented as array at the..
Please Solve/Answer C++ Program problems with Functions Variables http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3305127/please-solve-answer-c-program-problems-with-functions-variables asking four times. Just call getUserData once. Since it's homework I'll leave you to figure out where but here's a hint. If you..
C++ function to count all the words in a string http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3672234/c-function-to-count-all-the-words-in-a-string For example A very very very very very big dog ate my homework 11 words My algorithm just goes through looking for spaces and..
Asking for help to troubleshoot a c++ Eight queens puzzle code http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3816437/asking-for-help-to-troubleshoot-a-c-eight-queens-puzzle-code as an exercise for you since this is very likely to be a homework assignment and if it is you should add the homework tag to the..
Convert big endian to little endian when reading from a binary file [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3823921/convert-big-endian-to-little-endian-when-reading-from-a-binary-file so it will work on little endian system as well This is a homework but it just an extra since the systems at school running big..
Mutual exclusion and semaphores http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3850491/mutual-exclusion-and-semaphores exclusion and semaphores I am writing a program for homework that simulates a unisex bathroom. Only 4 people are allowed..
Undefined reference to template members http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4100893/undefined-reference-to-template-members to template members I'm new to C and preparing a homework by using NetBeans IDE on Ubuntu 10.04. I use g as a C compiler...
How to convert a single char into an int http://stackoverflow.com/questions/439573/how-to-convert-a-single-char-into-an-int you're not worried about encodings and as this sounds like homework I doubt you are you can utilize the fact that the character..
Random number homework [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5943831/random-number-homework number homework closed Here is the question Write a function named getTwoRandomNumbers.. c share improve this question I'm not going to do your homework for you but I'll give you a few starting points. srand to initialize..
C and C++ programming on Ubuntu 11.10 [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7937602/c-and-c-programming-on-ubuntu-11-10 Use a version control system like svn or git even for a homework assignment . Backup your work. Learn to use valgrind to hunt..
what is the size of an enum type data in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8115550/what-is-the-size-of-an-enum-type-data-in-c type data in C This is a C interview test question not homework. #include iostream using namespace std enum months_t january..
Cross platform programming http://stackoverflow.com/questions/836469/cross-platform-programming adds clutter. It also makes it harder to email your homework to your teacher a zip with a bunch of .c and .h files and a..
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Express installation/run problems http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9043530/microsoft-visual-c-2010-express-installation-run-problems at least now after an entire weekend I can begin my homework. c visual studio 2010 share improve this question Since..