c++ Programming Glossary: hprevinstance
How to explicitly set taskbar icon? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1014101/how-to-explicitly-set-taskbar-icon int APIENTRY _tWinMain HINSTANCE hInstance HINSTANCE hPrevInstance LPTSTR lpCmdLine int nCmdShow MessageBox NULL L Testing L.. wnd int APIENTRY _tWinMain HINSTANCE hInstance HINSTANCE hPrevInstance LPTSTR lpCmdLine int nCmdShow HWND wnd CreateDummyWindow hInstance..
displaying a message when the user taps a key http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10750037/displaying-a-message-when-the-user-taps-a-key lParam int WINAPI WinMain HINSTANCE hInstance HINSTANCE hPrevInstance LPSTR lpCmdLine int nCmdShow hHook SetWindowsHookEx WH_KEYBOARD_LL..
Why simple console app runs but dialog based does not run in WIN CE 6.0? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10959134/why-simple-console-app-runs-but-dialog-based-does-not-run-in-win-ce-6-0 stdio.h int WINAPI WinMain HINSTANCE hInstance HINSTANCE hPrevInstance LPTSTR lpCmdLine int nCmdShow FILE pFile char c pFile fopen..
How to append text to a TextBox? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12537456/how-to-append-text-to-a-textbox lParam int CALLBACK WinMain HINSTANCE hInstance HINSTANCE hPrevInstance LPSTR cmdLine int nCmdShow HWND hMainWindow WNDCLASS wc wc.lpfnWndProc..
WINMAIN and main() in C++ (Extended) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13871617/winmain-and-main-in-c-extended 1980's int CALLBACK WinMain HINSTANCE hInstance HINSTANCE hPrevInstance LPSTR lpCmdLine int nCmdShow where CALLBACK HINSTANCE and LPSTR.. be obtained from the GetModuleHandle API function the hPrevInstance argument is always 0 the lpCmdLine argument can alternatively.. main int WINAPI wWinMain HINSTANCE hInstance HINSTANCE hPrevInstance PWSTR lpCmdLine int nCmdShow where WINAPI is the same as CALLBACK..
What is exactly the base pointer and stack pointer? To what do they point? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1395591/what-is-exactly-the-base-pointer-and-stack-pointer-to-what-do-they-point var_8 dword ptr 8 var_4 dword ptr 4 hInstance dword ptr 8 hPrevInstance dword ptr 0Ch lpCmdLine dword ptr 10h nShowCmd dword ptr 14h..
Undefined reference to static variable [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14331469/undefined-reference-to-static-variable i 1 int WINAPI WinMain HINSTANCE hThisInstance HINSTANCE hPrevInstance LPSTR lpszArgument int nFunsterStil A i 0 A init return 0.. i 0 int WINAPI WinMain HINSTANCE hThisInstance HINSTANCE hPrevInstance LPSTR lpszArgument int nFunsterStil A i 0 A init return 0..
How can I prevent my program from closing when a console window it opens is closed? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20232685/how-can-i-prevent-my-program-from-closing-when-a-console-window-it-opens-is-clos int APIENTRY WinMain HINSTANCE hThisInstance HINSTANCE hPrevInstance LPSTR lpszArgument int nFunsterStil create the main program..
Create an Application without a Window http://stackoverflow.com/questions/224225/create-an-application-without-a-window Windows.h int WinMain HINSTANCE hInstance HINSTANCE hPrevInstance LPTSTR lpCmdLine int cmdShow do your stuff here. If you return..
Redirecting cout to a console in windows http://stackoverflow.com/questions/311955/redirecting-cout-to-a-console-in-windows eof c int APIENTRY WinMain HINSTANCE hInstance HINSTANCE hPrevInstance LPTSTR lpCmdLine int nCmdShow create the console if AllocConsole.. eof c int APIENTRY WinMain HINSTANCE hInstance HINSTANCE hPrevInstance LPTSTR lpCmdLine int nCmdShow create the console if AllocConsole..
c++ using too much cpu http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3561613/c-using-too-much-cpu int APIENTRY _tWinMain HINSTANCE hInstance HINSTANCE hPrevInstance LPTSTR lpCmdLine int nCmdShow UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER hPrevInstance.. LPTSTR lpCmdLine int nCmdShow UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER hPrevInstance UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER lpCmdLine GdiplusStartupInput gdiplusStartupInput..
“APIENTRY _tWinMain” and “WINAPI WinMain” difference http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4681443/apientry-twinmain-and-winapi-winmain-difference int APIENTRY _tWinMain HINSTANCE hInstance HINSTANCE hPrevInstance LPTSTR lpCmdLine int nCmdShow int WINAPI WinMain HINSTANCE.. nCmdShow int WINAPI WinMain HINSTANCE hInstance HINSTANCE hPrevInstance LPTSTR lpCmdLine int nCmdShow c windows winapi winmain ..
Calling functions in a DLL from C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/539358/calling-functions-in-a-dll-from-c int APIENTRY WinMain HINSTANCE hInstance HINSTANCE hPrevInstance LPSTR lpCmdLine int nCmdShow call the imported function found..