c++ Programming Glossary: hres
embedded resource in c++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1074362/embedded-resource-in-c and use the following code to get the resource HRSRC hResInfo FindResource hInstance MAKEINTRESOURCE resourceId type HGLOBAL.. hInstance MAKEINTRESOURCE resourceId type HGLOBAL hRes LoadResource hInstance hResInfo LPVOID memRes LockResource hRes.. resourceId type HGLOBAL hRes LoadResource hInstance hResInfo LPVOID memRes LockResource hRes DWORD sizeRes SizeofResource..
C++ plugin for Unity “EntryPointNotFoundExeption” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11619986/c-plugin-for-unity-entrypointnotfoundexeption ERRStream wstringstream in wstringstream out HRESULT hRes CoInitializeEx NULL COINIT_MULTITHREADED if FAILED hRes ERRStream.. hRes CoInitializeEx NULL COINIT_MULTITHREADED if FAILED hRes ERRStream Unable to launch COM 0x std hex hRes endl return.. if FAILED hRes ERRStream Unable to launch COM 0x std hex hRes endl return L hRes CoInitializeSecurity NULL 1 NULL NULL RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT..
updating a string table with UpdateResource http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14088057/updating-a-string-table-with-updateresource L Meow L I L Am L A L Dinosaur ignore the string if HANDLE hRes BeginUpdateResource Output.exe TRUE for int i 0 i 5 i wchar_t.. wcscpy temp buffer i .c_str wcout temp endl UpdateResource hRes RT_STRING MAKEINTRESOURCE 1 MAKELANGID LANG_NEUTRAL SUBLANG_DEFAULT.. temp 48 buffer i .length 1 delete temp EndUpdateResource hRes FALSE Produces Which is wrong as it seems to only have added..