c++ Programming Glossary: glutswapbuffers
Glew problems, unresolved externals http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11059971/glew-problems-unresolved-externals glFlush This force the execution of OpenGL commands glutSwapBuffers In double buffered mode we invert the positions of the visible..
glTexImage2D failing in GLUT/FreeType example with OpenGL 3 and above http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11150983/glteximage2d-failing-in-glut-freetype-example-with-opengl-3-and-above Green Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog 1 18 sx 1 440 sy sx sy glutSwapBuffers void free_resources glDeleteProgram program int main int argc..
How can I load 8 bit bmp with OpenGL? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11980790/how-can-i-load-8-bit-bmp-with-opengl offset tempPixelData for int i 0 i m i clock_t c clock glutSwapBuffers imgCount stp stp means how many images to escape. it can make..
Sketching objects near each other [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13518651/sketching-objects-near-each-other glPushMatrix object glPopMAtrix glPopMatrix glutSwapBuffers glFlush void reshape int w int h glViewport 0 0 w h glMatrixMode..
Fragment shader inexplicable bahaviour http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14573079/fragment-shader-inexplicable-bahaviour GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT glutSolidTeapot 10 glutSwapBuffers void reshape int w int h width w height h glutPostRedisplay..
object loader in opengl http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14887012/object-loader-in-opengl glDisableClientState GL_NORMAL_ARRAY glPopMatrix glutSwapBuffers int main int argc char argv ifstream ifile test.obj model LoadOBJ..
Cannot run Opengl program http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17632340/cannot-run-opengl-program modelViewMatrix.PopMatrix Flush drawing commands glutSwapBuffers A normal ASCII key has been pressed. In this case advance..
C++ OpenGL window only tracks background http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18477852/c-opengl-window-only-tracks-background linux machine and it works fine... EDIT I have tried using glutSwapBuffers and that didn't seem to work either. c windows opengl share..
OpenGL and GLUT in Eclipse on OS X http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2068693/opengl-and-glut-in-eclipse-on-os-x Swap buffers color buffers makes previous render visible glutSwapBuffers Increase angle to rotate angle 0.25 Initialze OpenGL perspective..
opengl texturing http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5380717/opengl-texturing 0 1 345 60 0.5 4 0 drawcube 0 1 75 60 0.5 4 0 glEnd glutSwapBuffers void keyboard unsigned char key int x int y switch key case..
How do glPushMatrix() and glPopMatrix() keep the scene the same? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7031842/how-do-glpushmatrix-and-glpopmatrix-keep-the-scene-the-same so we can have a clean version to do something next time. glutSwapBuffers Now the way I understand glPushMatrix and glPopMatrix is that..
Segmentation fault at glGenVertexArrays( 1, &vao ); http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8302625/segmentation-fault-at-glgenvertexarrays-1-vao theta 1 Theta glDrawArrays GL_TRIANGLES 0 NumVertices glutSwapBuffers void mouse int button int state int x int y if state GLUT_DOWN..
OpenGL window isn't opening http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8356058/opengl-window-isnt-opening void glClear GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT glutSwapBuffers glutPostRedisplay When I compile and try to run my .exe with..
Problems converting YV12 to RGB through GLSL http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8977489/problems-converting-yv12-to-rgb-through-glsl 1.0 0.0 glRotatef Zrot 0.0 0.0 1.0 DrawObject glPopMatrix glutSwapBuffers static void Reshape int width int height glViewport 0 0 width..