c++ Programming Glossary: falsetype
char!=(signed char), char!=(unsigned char) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/436513/char-signed-char-char-unsigned-char typedef unsigned long long uint64 struct TrueType struct FalseType template typename T struct isX typedef typename T ikIsX ikIsX.. int int32 is ambiguous template struct isX int typedef FalseType ikIsX Fails template struct isX int32 typedef FalseType ikIsX.. FalseType ikIsX Fails template struct isX int32 typedef FalseType ikIsX template struct isX uint32 typedef FalseType ikIsX Whay..
Boost Static Assertion for Type Comparision http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6642050/boost-static-assertion-for-type-comparision errors and I am not sure how to write it correctly struct FalseType enum value false struct TrueType enum value true template typename.. typename T1 typename T2 struct IsSame typedef typename FalseType Result template typename T struct IsSame T T typedef typename.. strange.... #include iostream using namespace std struct FalseType static const bool value false struct TrueType static const bool..