c++ Programming Glossary: fdwreason
C++ plugin for Unity “EntryPointNotFoundExeption” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11619986/c-plugin-for-unity-entrypointnotfoundexeption missing your Bool WINAPI DllMain HINSTANCE hinstDLL DWORD fdwReason LPVOID definition if it is windows. See chapter 21 of Programming.. last parameter to DllMain is reserved by the system... A fdwReason value of DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH indicates that the dynamic link.. 0 will cause Windows to not run the program. When fdwReason has a value of DLL_PROCESS_DETACH it means that the DLL is no..
How do I stop name-mangling of my DLL's exported function? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1467144/how-do-i-stop-name-mangling-of-my-dlls-exported-function PluginOne.h int WINAPI DllMain HINSTANCE hInstance DWORD fdwReason PVOID pvReserved return TRUE EXPORT TCHAR CALLBACK GetName return..
Loading a dll from a dll? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2674736/loading-a-dll-from-a-dll BOOL WINAPI CRTDllMain __in HINSTANCE hinstDLL __in DWORD fdwReason __in LPVOID lpvReserved BOOL ret FALSE switch fdwReason case.. fdwReason __in LPVOID lpvReserved BOOL ret FALSE switch fdwReason case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH Init the global CRT structures init_CRT.. and get from it the return code ret DllMain hinstDLL fdwReason lpvReserved break case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH Call user supplied..
DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH failing to execute on Windows 7 C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8556782/dll-process-attach-failing-to-execute-on-windows-7-c windows.h BOOL WINAPI DllMain HINSTANCE hinstDLL DWORD fdwReason LPVOID lpvReserved switch fdwReason case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH.. hinstDLL DWORD fdwReason LPVOID lpvReserved switch fdwReason case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH MessageBox NULL Dll has been loaded...