c++ Programming Glossary: failures
How will i know whether inline function is actually replaced at the place where it is called or not? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10631283/how-will-i-know-whether-inline-function-is-actually-replaced-at-the-place-where Even with this option the compiler does not warn about failures to inline functions declared in system headers. The compiler..
c++ Exception Class Design http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1335561/c-exception-class-design is explicitly handled. Thus most memory allocation failures are exceptional but bad input from a user probably isn't. share..
What is exactly the “immediate context” mentioned in the C++11 Standard for which SFINAE applies? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15260685/what-is-exactly-the-immediate-context-mentioned-in-the-c11-standard-for-whic signature are not errors but result in deduction failures. So given a function template like this template typename T..
Why would you use the keyword const if you already know variable should be constant? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18157523/why-would-you-use-the-keyword-const-if-you-already-know-variable-should-be-const program. A C compiler will enforce it with compilation failures and diagnostic messages compiler errors with no need for comments..
Multiple definition of inline functions when linking static libs http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2217628/multiple-definition-of-inline-functions-when-linking-static-libs party C library's DLL however then I get strange runtime failures that seem to have to do with my code having its own version..
How to process Boost.Test output with Eclipse http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2491380/how-to-process-boost-test-output-with-eclipse Description Error . d fatal error in . . 1 2 3 Error d failures detected in test suite . 1 Info . d last checkpoint 1 2 3..
Confused about std::runtime_error vs. std::logic_error http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2924058/confused-about-stdruntime-error-vs-stdlogic-error derived classes were problems that resulted from internal failures to adhere to program invariants often in the form of illegal..
Win32 API stack walk with MinGW/MSYS? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3318564/win32-api-stack-walk-with-mingw-msys with mingw on win32 But i fail again and run into linker failures i could not solve. I think MinGW could not resolve the dbgheader..
Program portability http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3525177/program-portability Radical differences usually result in compilation failures for subtle differences you can test for preprocessor symbols..
What is memory fragmentation? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3770457/what-is-memory-fragmentation Basically ignore it until your program has allocation failures or unexpectedly causes the system to run low on memory catch..
Unable to get hudson to parse JUnit test output XML http://stackoverflow.com/questions/428553/unable-to-get-hudson-to-parse-junit-test-output-xml legit xml version 1.0 encoding UTF 8 testsuite tests 370 failures 0 disabled 0 errors 0 time 45.61 name AllTests testsuite name.. 45.61 name AllTests testsuite name application tests 7 failures 0 disabled 0 errors 0 time 8.953 testcase name zero_tasks_on_bootup.. like so xml version 1.0 encoding UTF 8 testsuite tests 370 failures 0 disabled 0 errors 0 time 45.61 name AllTests testsuite name..
Clang on Windows http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8882753/clang-on-windows Clang for C with VS is for now a no go you will get link failures due to missing ABI name mangling and others functionality in..
Can SFINAE detect private access violations? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8984013/can-sfinae-detect-private-access-violations is an access control diagnostic which will be substitution failures in some contexts and reported in others. SFINAE_AccessControl..
Using SqlServer CE without installation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9102471/using-sqlserver-ce-without-installation Handle bad HRESULT hr return codes Handle LoadLibrary failures To get meaningful error messages for SQL Server CE operations..
Usage of try/catch blocks in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/951380/usage-of-try-catch-blocks-in-c for code which has multiple failure points for which the failures have a common handler. In my experience this is typically code..