c++ Programming Glossary: failure
Bitfield manipulation in C http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1044654/bitfield-manipulation-in-c for either side In particular is there some possible failure perhaps with endianness that the bitmask method may miss but..
Why aren't my include guards preventing recursive inclusion and multiple symbol definitions? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14909997/why-arent-my-include-guards-preventing-recursive-inclusion-and-multiple-symbol int main ... You'll notice that the compiler will report a failure when it reaches the inclusion depth limit. This limit is implementation..
How do I start a new CUDA project in Visual Studio 2008? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2046228/how-do-i-start-a-new-cuda-project-in-visual-studio-2008 as opposed to a sample should probably handle the failure more elegantly CUDA TOOLKIT 3.1 and earlier I would use the.. as opposed to a sample should probably handle the failure more elegantly NOTE You can also use a Toolkit version specific..
what does malloc(0) return? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2132273/what-does-malloc0-return non NULL on success it may still return NULL to indicate failure. This will result in a call like realloc NULL 0 which would..
What uses are there for “placement new”? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/222557/what-uses-are-there-for-placement-new safety are paramount there's no danger of allocation failure since the memory has already been allocated and constructing.. You may also want to be sure there can be no allocation failure at a certain part of critical code maybe you work on a pacemaker..
What is the difference between new/delete and malloc/free? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/240212/what-is-the-difference-between-new-delete-and-malloc-free new standard version never returns a NULL will throw on failure Are called with Type ID compiler calculates the size Has a version.. allocated from 'Heap' Returns a void Returns NULL on failure Must specify the size required in bytes. Allocating array requires..
How do I start a CUDA app in Visual Studio 2010? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3778799/how-do-i-start-a-cuda-app-in-visual-studio-2010 as opposed to a sample should probably handle the failure more elegantly NOTE For CUDA 4.0 only you may need to apply..
What is the proper declaration of main? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4207134/what-is-the-proper-declaration-of-main return zero to indicate success and non zero to indicate failure. You are not required to explicitly write a return statement.. can also be returned from main to indicate success and failure respectively. The value returned by main is passed to the exit..
Semantics of flags on basic_ios http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4258887/semantics-of-flags-on-basic-ios for output streams and you need to be aware of that failure. eofbit means the input stream has reached its end and there..
Why would we call cin.clear() and cin.ignore() after reading input? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5131647/why-would-we-call-cin-clear-and-cin-ignore-after-reading-input as the non number so that it does not cause another parse failure . It will only skip up to 10000 characters so the code is assuming..
Will new return NULL in any case? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/550451/will-new-return-null-in-any-case Operator new does not throw a bad_alloc exception on failure in Visual C If you have old code that was written for VC6 behavior..
How to solve Memory Fragmentation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/60871/how-to-solve-memory-fragmentation 2003 have thrown an exception due to a memory allocation failure. Our suspicion is these allocations are failing due to memory..
getline not asking for input? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6642865/getline-not-asking-for-input getline is input C 11 version return stoi input throws on failure C 98 version std istringstream iss input int i if iss i handle..
How to get memory usage at run time in c++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/669438/how-to-get-memory-usage-at-run-time-in-c and resident set size and return the results in KB. On failure returns 0.0 0.0 void process_mem_usage double vm_usage double..
What's preferred pattern for reading lines from a file in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7219062/whats-preferred-pattern-for-reading-lines-from-a-file-in-c to read data from an input stream and if the attempt was failure only then a failure flag is set and good returns false as an.. an input stream and if the attempt was failure only then a failure flag is set and good returns false as an indication of the failure... flag is set and good returns false as an indication of the failure. If you want to limit the scope of line variable to inside the..
C++ SFINAE examples? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/982808/c-sfinae-examples programming. I know that SFINAE stands for substitution failure is not an error. But can someone show me a good use for SFINAE..
C++ multiline string literal http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1135841/c-multiline-string-literal as long as you take care to escape the embedded newline. Failure to do so like my first answer did will not compile const char..
What is an undefined reference/unresolved external symbol error and how do I fix it? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12573816/what-is-an-undefined-reference-unresolved-external-symbol-error-and-how-do-i-fix error LNK1120 4 unresolved externals Common causes include Failure to link against appropriate libraries object files or compile..
Weird MSC 8.0 error: “The value of ESP was not properly saved across a function call…” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/142644/weird-msc-8-0-error-the-value-of-esp-was-not-properly-saved-across-a-function the following nasty run time error message Run Time Check Failure #0 The value of ESP was not properly saved across a function..
Downloading and integrating Qt5 with Visual Studio 2012 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15826893/downloading-and-integrating-qt5-with-visual-studio-2012 to add icu as an additional command line parameter. ICU Failure Currently there seems to be a bug building Qt5 with the VS2012..
utfcpp and Win32 wide API http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3329718/utfcpp-and-win32-wide-api NULL NULL 0 return result else throw std runtime_error Failure to execute toUTF8 conversion failed. UTF8 UTF16 conversion.. 0 result.size 0 return result else throw std runtime_error Failure to execute toUTF16 conversion failed. c winapi utf 8 utf 16..
Boost Serialization multiple objects http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4973473/boost-serialization-multiple-objects data.get_longitude returnData.get_longitude Failure on next line CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL secondData.get_latitude return2Data.get_latitude..
C/C++ Free alternative to Lint? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/632057/c-c-free-alternative-to-lint out of bounds Memory resource leaks Improper new delete Failure to put virtual destructors on derived classes Mismatching allocation..
Run-Time Check Failure #0 loading QueryFullProcessImageName from kernel32.dll http://stackoverflow.com/questions/696306/run-time-check-failure-0-loading-queryfullprocessimagename-from-kernel32-dll Time Check Failure #0 loading QueryFullProcessImageName from kernel32.dll I have.. when the function pointer is dereferenced Run Time Check Failure #0 The value of ESP was not properly saved across a function..
Why would one replace default new and delete operators? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7149461/why-would-one-replace-default-new-and-delete-operators that are a multiple of eight i.e. be eight byte aligned . Failure to follow such constraints can lead to hardware exceptions at..
Windows Unicode C++ Stream Output Failure http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9859020/windows-unicode-c-stream-output-failure Unicode C Stream Output Failure I am currently writing an application which requires me to..