c++ Programming Glossary: fd_isset
Example code of libssh2 being used for port forwarding http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1580750/example-code-of-libssh2-being-used-for-port-forwarding read_set write_set NULL wait 1 boost this_thread yield if FD_ISSET local_sock write_set FD_CLR local_sock write_set chunk buf.. read_set select 0 read_set write_set NULL wait if FD_ISSET local_sock read_set FD_CLR local_sock read_set bytes_read recv..
Socket listen doesn't unbind in C++ under linux http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2208581/socket-listen-doesnt-unbind-in-c-under-linux close sockfd sem_wait setSem for int i 1 i maxFd i if FD_ISSET i set close i sem_post setSem Thank you. c linux sockets ..
C++ Winsock P2P http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2843277/c-winsock-p2p timeval zero 0 0 int sel select 0 mySet NULL NULL zero if FD_ISSET s mySet you have a new caller sockaddr_in remote SOCKET newSocket.. loop through your sockets and check if they have the FD_ISSET set in the newSocket you now have a new peer. So that was for.. timeval zero 0 0 int sel select 0 NULL mySet NULL zero if FD_ISSET sender mySet ok to send data Shutting down Finally there are..
c++ how to use select to see if a socket has closed http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5640144/c-how-to-use-select-to-see-if-a-socket-has-closed FD_SET sock rfd timeval tv 0 select sock 1 rfd 0 0 tv if FD_ISSET sock rfd return false int n 0 ioctl sock FIONREAD n return n..
How would you implement a basic event-loop? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/658403/how-would-you-implement-a-basic-event-loop a fd_set on UNIX and whatHappened is actually queried via FD_ISSET . The actual waitable handles are acquired in various ways for..
Using select() for non-blocking sockets http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6715736/using-select-for-non-blocking-sockets 0 waitd if sel 0 continue socket ready for reading if FD_ISSET new_sd read_flags FD_CLR new_sd read_flags memset in 0 sizeof.. n in end if ready for read socket ready for writing if FD_ISSET new_sd write_flags FD_CLR new_sd write_flags send new_sd out.. 0 waitd if sel 0 continue socket ready for reading if FD_ISSET sock read_flags FD_CLR sock read_flags memset in 0 sizeof in..
How can I check if a client disconnected through Winsock in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/685951/how-can-i-check-if-a-client-disconnected-through-winsock-in-c should be checked whether the socket is part of a set. if FD_ISSET s fdread A read event has occurred on socket s share improve..
Blocking socket returns EAGAIN http://stackoverflow.com/questions/735249/blocking-socket-returns-eagain wset 0 timeout tval 0 if n 0 errno ETIMEDOUT return 1 if FD_ISSET sock rset FD_ISSET sock wset socklen_t len sizeof error if getsockopt.. 0 if n 0 errno ETIMEDOUT return 1 if FD_ISSET sock rset FD_ISSET sock wset socklen_t len sizeof error if getsockopt SOL_SOCKET..