c++ Programming Glossary: fe
Writing utf16 to file in binary mode http://stackoverflow.com/questions/207662/writing-utf16-to-file-in-binary-mode happens EDIT Opening the file in a hex editor I get FF FE 68 00 00 00 65 00 00 00 6C 00 00 00 6C 00 00 00 6F 00 00 00..
How to identify the file content as ASCII or binary http://stackoverflow.com/questions/277521/how-to-identify-the-file-content-as-ascii-or-binary file for a byte order mark If the first two bytes are hex FE FF the file is tentatively UTF 16 BE. If the first two bytes.. tentatively UTF 16 BE. If the first two bytes are hex FF FE and the following two bytes are not hex 00 00 the file is tentatively.. UTF 16 LE. If the first four bytes are hex 00 00 FE FF the file is tentatively UTF 32 BE. If the first four bytes..
How come forward declaration is not needed for friend class concept? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9890756/how-come-forward-declaration-is-not-needed-for-friend-class-concept this should be enough to get a feeling about dependencies FE.h no implementations no .cpp file class FE private virtual void.. dependencies FE.h no implementations no .cpp file class FE private virtual void somePrivateFunc 0 90 virtual class interface.. for further implementations friend class TLS DummyFE.h #include FE.h class DummyFE public FE singleton dummy private..