c++ Programming Glossary: critical
Why is processing a sorted array faster than an unsorted array? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11227809/why-is-processing-a-sorted-array-faster-than-an-unsorted-array rule of thumb is to avoid data dependent branching in critical loops. such as in this example Update GCC 4.6.1 with O3 or ftree..
Why is transposing a matrix of 512x512 much slower than transposing a matrix of 513x513? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11413855/why-is-transposing-a-matrix-of-512x512-much-slower-than-transposing-a-matrix-of that are for this example 0x800 apart. This is the critical stride again for this example . The critical stride can also.. This is the critical stride again for this example . The critical stride can also be calculated criticaStride numberOfSets lineSize.. criticaStride numberOfSets lineSize Variables spaced criticalStride or a multiple apart contend for the same cache lines...
Good C++ GUI library for Windows http://stackoverflow.com/questions/115045/good-c-gui-library-for-windows IMO performance of the containers is unlikely to be the critical factor. As for the preprocessor moc think of it more as an IDL..
Any reason to overload global new and delete? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1152511/any-reason-to-overload-global-new-and-delete wasn't always freed. And that was in a not so memory critical application. Also disabling these overloads decreases performance..
Is gcc4.7 buggy about regular expressions? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12530406/is-gcc4-7-buggy-about-regular-expressions the same goes for the other maintainers. GCC is a mission critical tool for many people and Linux vendors pay people to work on..
What are copy elision and return value optimization? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12953127/what-are-copy-elision-and-return-value-optimization number of destructors being called. You shouldn't have critical logic inside copy move constructors or destructors as you can't..
Why aren't my include guards preventing recursive inclusion and multiple symbol definitions? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14909997/why-arent-my-include-guards-preventing-recursive-inclusion-and-multiple-symbol potentially infinite recursive process. When reaching the critical nesting level the compiler will report an error. When include..
What is “cache-friendly” code? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16699247/what-is-cache-friendly-code code to minimize delays due to memory access. When your critical code contains unpredictable branches it is hard or impossible..
What uses are there for “placement new”? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/222557/what-uses-are-there-for-placement-new there can be no allocation failure at a certain part of critical code maybe you work on a pacemaker for example . In that case..
What is the copy-and-swap idiom? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3279543/what-is-the-copy-and-swap-idiom opportunity . Not only that but this choice is critical in C 11 which is discussed later. On a general note a remarkably..
Finding C++ static initialization order problems http://stackoverflow.com/questions/335369/finding-c-static-initialization-order-problems the getInstance_XXX method must be guarded with a critical section. On the bright side gcc has an explicit patch as part..
When to use volatile with multi threading? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4557979/when-to-use-volatile-with-multi-threading thread locking and releasing the mutex the code is in a critical section where only that one thread can access the variable in..
What are the barriers to understanding pointers and what can be done to overcome them? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5727/what-are-the-barriers-to-understanding-pointers-and-what-can-be-done-to-overcome it will fail at a customers place in the middle of a critical operation. h v before free ttttNNNNNNNNNN 1234My house ..
how to achieve 4 FLOPs per cycle http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8389648/how-to-achieve-4-flops-per-cycle 138.2 GFlops . Now for some explanations The performance critical part is obviously the 48 instructions inside the inner loop...
Advantage of switch over if-else statement http://stackoverflow.com/questions/97987/advantage-of-switch-over-if-else-statement . Performance and space need to be considered but are not critical. I've abstracted the snippet so don't hate me for the naming..
Win32 Read/Write Lock Using Only Critical Sections http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1008726/win32-read-write-lock-using-only-critical-sections Read Write Lock Using Only Critical Sections I have to implement a read write lock in C using the.. the calling process block until the lock is available. Critical sections do provide blocking but the API is too limited. e.g...
Difference between Locks, Mutex and Critical Sections http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2808617/difference-between-locks-mutex-and-critical-sections between Locks Mutex and Critical Sections There is an existing question regarding difference.. existing question regarding difference between Mutex and Critical section but it does not deal with Locks also. So i want to know.. does not deal with Locks also. So i want to know whether Critical sections can be used for thread synchronisation between processes...
Is 'volatile' needed in this multi-threaded C++ code? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3612505/is-volatile-needed-in-this-multi-threaded-c-code the correct lock around the shared memory. Locks like a Critical Section are often extremely lightweight and in a case of no..
C++ | Generating a truly random number between 10-20 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4413170/c-generating-a-truly-random-number-between-10-20 hit for a set amount each time and allows there to be Critical Strikes For example if the hit is above 15 I would class that.. For example if the hit is above 15 I would class that as a Critical Strike I'm new to C so I'm not quite sure how I can do this..
Singleton instance declared as static variable of GetInstance method http://stackoverflow.com/questions/449436/singleton-instance-declared-as-static-variable-of-getinstance-method up SomeBaseClass SomeClass GetInstance #ifdef _WIN32 Start Critical Section Here #elif defined __GNUC__ __GNUC__ 3 You are OK #else.. defined __GNUC__ __GNUC__ 3 You are OK #else #error Add Critical Section for your platform #endif static SomeClass instance #ifdef.. #endif static SomeClass instance #ifdef _WIN32 END Critical Section Here #endif return instance share improve this answer..
How to redirect qDebug, qWarning, qCritical etc output? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4954140/how-to-redirect-qdebug-qwarning-qcritical-etc-output to redirect qDebug qWarning qCritical etc output I'm using a lot of qDebug statements for debug output... QtWarningMsg fprintf stderr Warning s n msg break case QtCriticalMsg fprintf stderr Critical s n msg break case QtFatalMsg fprintf.. Warning s n msg break case QtCriticalMsg fprintf stderr Critical s n msg break case QtFatalMsg fprintf stderr Fatal s n msg abort..
Mutex example / tutorial? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4989451/mutex-example-tutorial a phenomenon supposed to be called critical section UPDATE Critical section objects are available in Windows only where the objects..
Can I force cache coherency on a multicore x86 CPU? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/558848/can-i-force-cache-coherency-on-a-multicore-x86-cpu for multicore x86 CPUs I'm already aware of and have used Critical Sections Mutexes Events and so on. I'm mostly wondering if there..
std::max() and std::min() not constexpr http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5605142/stdmax-and-stdmin-not-constexpr c max c 11 min constexpr share improve this question Critical Update The below analysis is wrong because it confuses one important..
Is Critical Section always faster? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/853316/is-critical-section-always-faster Critical Section always faster I was debugging a multi threaded application.. is locked by some other thread. Now I am wondering is Critical Section always faster Event is a kernel object and each Critical.. Section always faster Event is a kernel object and each Critical section object is associated with event object then how Critical..