c++ Programming Glossary: criteria
Erase/Remove contents from the map (or any other STL container) while iterating it http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1038708/erase-remove-contents-from-the-map-or-any-other-stl-container-while-iterating I want to erase a number of elements that meet a certain criteria perhaps with using functor and for_each or erase algorithm ..
How do you generate a random double uniformly distributed between 0 and 1 from C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1340729/how-do-you-generate-a-random-double-uniformly-distributed-between-0-and-1-from-c double X double rand double RAND_MAX Should meet all your criteria portable standard and fast . obviously the random number generated..
When does a constexpr function get evaluated at compile time? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14248235/when-does-a-constexpr-function-get-evaluated-at-compile-time as constexpr can be called during run time under which criteria does the compiler decide whether to compute it at compile time..
“Best” Input File Formats for C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14699829/best-input-file-formats-for-c There is one excellent format that meets all your criteria SQLite Please read here on how to use SQLite as an application..
When should std::move be used on a function return value? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14856344/when-should-stdmove-be-used-on-a-function-return-value foo the move is superfluous because of 12.8 32 When the criteria for elision of a copy operation are met or would be met save..
What exactly is the “as-if” rule? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15718262/what-exactly-is-the-as-if-rule for this are specified in Paragraph 12.8 31 When certain criteria are met an implementation is allowed to omit the copy move construction..
Common macro to read input data and check its validity http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15792984/common-macro-to-read-input-data-and-check-its-validity The macro should scan the data and IF one of the following criteria is not true then print a message to the user asking him to enter.. input enter again The above code does not respect the criteria input data should be followed by white space for example if..
C++ #include semantics http://stackoverflow.com/questions/179213/c-include-semantics you use the and when would you use the i.e. what are the criteria you would use to use one or the other for a header include 2..
Deleting elements from STL set while iterating http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2874441/deleting-elements-from-stl-set-while-iterating through a set and remove elements that meet a predefined criteria. This is the test code I wrote #include set #include algorithm..
boost spirit semantic action parameters http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3066701/boost-spirit-semantic-action-parameters is out the match flag will be useful for applying match criteria that might be otherwise difficult to express in a parser sequence...
Rules for Iterator Invalidation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4114503/rules-for-iterator-invalidation rules are container specific. In fact these are important criteria for deciding which container you use. For instance iterators..
What are Aggregates and PODs and how/why are they special? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4178175/what-are-aggregates-and-pods-and-how-why-are-they-special or union is an aggregate if and only if it satisfies the criteria from the above definitions. What do these criteria imply This.. the criteria from the above definitions. What do these criteria imply This does not mean an aggregate class cannot have constructors..
Structure of a C++ Object in Memory Vs a Struct http://stackoverflow.com/questions/422830/structure-of-a-c-object-in-memory-vs-a-struct be identical provided that the C class struct fits the criteria of being POD Plain Old Data . So what does POD mean A class..
5 years later, is there something better than the “Fastest Possible C++ Delegates”? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4298408/5-years-later-is-there-something-better-than-the-fastest-possible-c-delegate VC9 the one in VS2008 SP1 and gcc 4.5.x . My main criteria is it must be fast fast fast it must be forward compatible with..
Returning unique_ptr from functions http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4316727/returning-unique-ptr-from-functions that this exploits Yes see 12.8 §34 and §35 When certain criteria are met an implementation is allowed to omit the copy move construction.. unqualified type as the function return type ... When the criteria for elision of a copy operation are met and the object to be..
Pretty-print C++ STL containers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4850473/pretty-print-c-stl-containers that since it might match things that match those criteria but aren't actually containers like std basic_string . Also..
Is returning with `std::move` sensible in the case of multiple return statements? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9532608/is-returning-with-stdmove-sensible-in-the-case-of-multiple-return-statements this happens automatically §12.8 class.copy p32 When the criteria for elision of a copy operation are met or would be met save..