c++ Programming Glossary: crtdbg.h
Visual Studio 2008 (C++) memory leak detection not showing file/method location - how to get that to work? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1567866/visual-studio-2008-c-memory-leak-detection-not-showing-file-method-location the #define _CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC #include stdlib.h #include crtdbg.h Lines at the top of a file the cpp file that contains WINAPI.. #define _CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC #include stdlib.h #include crtdbg.h #define DEBUG_NEW new _NORMAL_BLOCK __FILE__ __LINE__ #define..
C++ static classes & shared_ptr memory leaks http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2948648/c-static-classes-shared-ptr-memory-leaks static class instance . Could someone help me #include crtdbg.h #include boost shared_ptr.hpp using boost shared_ptr #define..
How to use Application Verifier to find memory leaks http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2955858/how-to-use-application-verifier-to-find-memory-leaks without stack trace debug_new.h #pragma once #include crtdbg.h #ifdef _DEBUG #ifndef DEBUG_NEW #define DEBUG_NEW new _NORMAL_BLOCK..
C++ - Memory leak testing with _CrtDumpMemoryLeaks() - Does not output line numbers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3202520/c-memory-leak-testing-with-crtdumpmemoryleaks-does-not-output-line-numb using 'new' . The code #define _CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC #include crtdbg.h #include stdlib.h int main int argc char argv int var new int.. improve this question When you define _DEBUG and include crtdbg.h you get an overloaded operator new which takes additional parameters..
What with the thousands of warnings in standard headers in MSVC -Wall http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4001736/what-with-the-thousands-of-warnings-in-standard-headers-in-msvc-wall 1 c program files microsoft visual studio 10.0 vc include crtdbg.h 1078 warning C4986 'operator new ' exception specification does.. 1 c program files microsoft visual studio 10.0 vc include crtdbg.h 1095 warning C4986 'operator delete ' exception specification..
How to detect memory leaks in QtCreator on Windows? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6825376/how-to-detect-memory-leaks-in-qtcreator-on-windows #ifdef _MSC_VER #define _CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC #include crtdbg.h #endif _MSC_VER #if defined _MSC_VER Code to display the memory..