c++ Programming Glossary: credit
Parse quoted strings with boost::spirit http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10289985/parse-quoted-strings-with-boostspirit iter end grammar boost spirit ascii space data For bonus credit A solution that avoid a local data member such as char qq in..
How to pass parameters correctly? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15600499/how-to-pass-parameters-correctly type Account std string number float amount CreditCard creditCard number number amount amount creditCard creditCard A class.. amount CreditCard creditCard number number amount amount creditCard creditCard A class that has as members primitive types 1.. creditCard number number amount amount creditCard creditCard A class that has as members primitive types 1 collection..
Library headers and #define http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20833226/library-headers-and-define builds with CMAKE. So a CMAKE solution for this is extra credit D. c cmake shared libraries share improve this question ..
Are function-local typedefs visible inside C++0x lambdas? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2122282/are-function-local-typedefs-visible-inside-c0x-lambdas Here are some other test cases crashes the compiler credit to Tarydon int main void struct dummy auto x dummy d works as..
Read whole ASCII file into C++ std::string http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2602013/read-whole-ascii-file-into-c-stdstring 0 contents.size in.close return contents throw errno credit of the above code insane coder To Tyler McHenry if you found..
Off-the-Shelf C++ Hex Dump Code http://stackoverflow.com/questions/29242/off-the-shelf-c-hex-dump-code information given for it is this Distribute freely and credit me make money and share with me lose money and don't ask me...
Developing Internet Explorer Extensions? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5643819/developing-internet-explorer-extensions about how to do this that I did it myself. First of all... credit is not all mine. This is a compilation of what I found on these..