c++ Programming Glossary: creating
How to detect whether there is a specific member variable in class? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1005476/how-to-detect-whether-there-is-a-specific-member-variable-in-class whether there is a specific member variable in class For creating algorithm template function I need to know whether x or X and..
What is a smart pointer and when should I use one? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/106508/what-is-a-smart-pointer-and-when-should-i-use-one drawback to reference counted pointers the possibility of creating a dangling reference. Create the smart pointer on the heap MyObjectPtr.. that the object is never destroyed Another possibility is creating circular references. struct Owner boost shared_ptr Owner other..
Why do we need a pure virtual destructor in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1219607/why-do-we-need-a-pure-virtual-destructor-in-c Can anybody give a good real time example When we are creating abstract classes is it a good practice to make the destructor..
When to use dynamic vs. static libraries http://stackoverflow.com/questions/140061/when-to-use-dynamic-vs-static-libraries to use dynamic vs. static libraries When creating a class library in C you can choose between dynamic .dll and..
How do I get the directory that a program is running from? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/143174/how-do-i-get-the-directory-that-a-program-is-running-from unistd.h on Unix and direct.h on windows . Since you are creating a C program it will link with the default c run time library..
Declaring pointers; asterisk on the left or right of the space between the type and name? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2660633/declaring-pointers-asterisk-on-the-left-or-right-of-the-space-between-the-type it depends on if a given programmer's mental model when creating a pointer is focused so to speak on the pointed to data or the..
Windows threading: _beginthread vs _beginthreadex vs CreateThread C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/331536/windows-threading-beginthread-vs-beginthreadex-vs-createthread-c this question CreateThread is a raw Win32 API call for creating another thread of control at the kernel level. _beginthread..
Can we increase the re-usability of this key-oriented access-protection pattern? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3324898/can-we-increase-the-re-usability-of-this-key-oriented-access-protection-pattern which is not just a type but a name as well. we do this by creating a tag and specializing the passkey for it friending the function..
Erasing elements from a vector http://stackoverflow.com/questions/347441/erasing-elements-from-a-vector without iterating through the vector multiple times or creating one more copy of the vector c stl share improve this question..
C++ Dynamic Shared Library on Linux http://stackoverflow.com/questions/496664/c-dynamic-shared-library-on-linux that I linked to shows how to load the symbols for creating objects of the classes defined in the library but stops short.. done. Does anyone know of a more complete tutorial for creating shared C class libraries that also shows how to use those classes.. first chapter has example C code and good explanations for creating and using both static and shared libraries. These examples are..
What C++ Smart Pointer Implementations are available? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5026197/what-c-smart-pointer-implementations-are-available but from my understanding it's designed to be used when creating your own smart pointer compatible classes. You need to implement..
Regular expression to detect semi-colon terminated C++ for & while loops http://stackoverflow.com/questions/524548/regular-expression-to-detect-semi-colon-terminated-c-for-while-loops Python code I'm using the VERBOSE and MULTILINE flags and creating the regular expression like so REGEX_STR r # match any line..
Type erasure techniques http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5450159/type-erasure-techniques and will use the type of the actual object passed for creating the deleter by default const shared_ptr void sp new A calls..
Why copying stringstream is not allowed? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6010864/why-copying-stringstream-is-not-allowed once. How can your program read it twice or more Hence creating copy is not allowed but creating reference is allowed std istream.. it twice or more Hence creating copy is not allowed but creating reference is allowed std istream copy_cin std cin error std..
Why does the use of 'new' cause memory leaks? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8839943/why-does-the-use-of-new-cause-memory-leaks question What is happening When you write T t you're creating an object of type T with automatic storage duration . It will.. when it goes out of scope. When you write new T you're creating an object of type T with dynamic storage duration . It won't..
how to merge two BST's efficiently? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1008513/how-to-merge-two-bsts-efficiently its pointer This is how the merge of merge sort works Creating a perfectly balanced BST from a sorted list is O N The value..
Eclipse CDT: Symbol 'cout' could not be resolved http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10803685/eclipse-cdt-symbol-cout-could-not-be-resolved I had created the eclipse project from existing code. Creating a new c project fixes it. I'll accept an answer that explains..
Creating a ZIP file on Windows (XP/2003) in C/C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/118547/creating-a-zip-file-on-windows-xp-2003-in-c-c a ZIP file on Windows XP 2003 in C C I am looking for a way..
Creating, opening and printing a word file from C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/145573/creating-opening-and-printing-a-word-file-from-c opening and printing a word file from C I have three related..
Static analysis tool to detect ABI breaks in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1969916/static-analysis-tool-to-detect-abi-breaks-in-c or used one so have no opinion. Also this may interest you Creating Library with backward compatible ABI that uses Boost share..
Hooking DirectX EndScene from an injected DLL http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1994676/hooking-directx-endscene-from-an-injected-dll when activated. I know the following methods to do this Creating a new d3d9.dll which is then copied to the games path. Since.. flag to hook the initial Direct3DCreate9 . Creating a new Device in a new window as soon as the DLL gets injected...
Dynamically allocating an array of objects http://stackoverflow.com/questions/255612/dynamically-allocating-an-array-of-objects fixes that seem like overkill which I'm hoping to avoid Creating a copy constructor for A . Using vector int and vector A so..
What's a very easy C++ profiler (VC++)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2624667/whats-a-very-easy-c-profiler-vc profiler . Other options Otherwise check this thread . Creating your own easily I personally use an internally built one based..
Programatically detect number of physical processors/cores or if hyper-threading is active on Windows, Mac and Linux http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2901694/programatically-detect-number-of-physical-processors-cores-or-if-hyper-threading instantiate a single thread per physical processor core. Creating more threads than there are physical processors cores degrades..
References Needed for Implementing an Interpreter in C/C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/294852/references-needed-for-implementing-an-interpreter-in-c-c Languages recommended in the comment thread for Books On Creating Interpreted Languages . The book contains two chapters devoted..
Creating a thread pool using boost http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4084777/creating-a-thread-pool-using-boost a thread pool using boost Is it possible to create a thread..
What is the best library to use when writing GUI applications in C++? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5061877/what-is-the-best-library-to-use-when-writing-gui-applications-in-c a little steep but also the syntax is extremely verbose. Creating a simple window like the above mentioned single line .net implementation..
Developing Internet Explorer Extensions? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5643819/developing-internet-explorer-extensions not test in other configurations. Hope you understand Creating a Working Internet Explorer 8 Addon I am using Visual Studio..
Creating a 3D sphere in Opengl using Visual C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5988686/creating-a-3d-sphere-in-opengl-using-visual-c a 3D sphere in Opengl using Visual C I am not able to create..
What is the difference between std::array and std::vector? When do you use one over other? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6632971/what-is-the-difference-between-stdarray-and-stdvector-when-do-you-use-one-o other honestly std vector is almost always what you want. Creating large objects on the stack is generally frowned upon and the..
how to call java function from c++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/819536/how-to-call-java-function-from-c java c share improve this question As an example check Creating a JVM from C . It shows a sample procedure to create a JVM and..
Creating Library with backward compatible ABI that uses Boost http://stackoverflow.com/questions/836875/creating-library-with-backward-compatible-abi-that-uses-boost Library with backward compatible ABI that uses Boost I'm working..
Compile a DLL in C/C++, then call it from another program http://stackoverflow.com/questions/847396/compile-a-dll-in-c-c-then-call-it-from-another-program Edit For more details on this subject see the article Creating a MinGW DLL for Use with Visual Basic on the MinGW Wiki. share..
error: request for member … in … which is of non-class type http://stackoverflow.com/questions/877523/error-request-for-member-in-which-is-of-non-class-type that takes no arguments and one that takes one argument. Creating objects using the constructor that takes one argument works..