c++ Programming Glossary: count
What is a smart pointer and when should I use one? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/106508/what-is-a-smart-pointer-and-when-should-i-use-one A more complex smart pointer policy involves reference counting the pointer. This does allow the pointer to be copied. When.. to the object. p1 is destroyed leaving a reference count of zero. The object is deleted. Reference counted pointers are.. reference count of zero. The object is deleted. Reference counted pointers are very useful when the lifetime of your object..
Using std Namespace http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1265039/using-std-namespace are some common identifiers that are in the std namespace count sort find equal reverse. Having a local variable called count.. sort find equal reverse. Having a local variable called count means that using namespace std won't enable you to use count.. means that using namespace std won't enable you to use count instead of std count . The classic example of an unwanted name..
RAII and smart pointers in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/395123/raii-and-smart-pointers-in-c cool things to or using str return str Now shared_ptr will count the number of references to str. For instance shared_ptr std..
How to return a collection of strings from C# to C++ via COM interop http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1032060/how-to-return-a-collection-of-strings-from-c-sharp-to-c-via-com-interop b27d 8b1b6072af92 public interface IStringCollection int Count get string Get int index Guid 8e8df55f a90c 4a07 bee5 575104105e1d.. that my StringCollection class doesn't have to define the Count property because it inherits a perfectly good on from List string.. strings thing GetListOfStrings for int n 0 n strings GetCount n const char pStr strings Get n vectorOfStrings.push_back pStr..
Number of tuples http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13216041/number-of-tuples N numbers a 1..N and 2 other integers L and H. How can I Count the number of tuples i j k satisfying i j k and L a i a j a..
ReleaseSemaphore does not release the semaphore http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2375132/releasesemaphore-does-not-release-the-semaphore state. The synch is done with a semaphore with X as MaximumCount. The semaphore's counter is put down to zero and the threads.. #define LOOP 100 HANDLE ids HANDLE semaphore DWORD WINAPI Count __in LPVOID lpParameter float x 1.0f while 1 for int i 1 i LOOP.. numCPU for int j 0 j numCPU j ids j CreateThread NULL 0 Count LPVOID j CREATE_SUSPENDED NULL for int j 0 j TRY j for int i..
Count character occurrences in a string http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3867890/count-character-occurrences-in-a-string character occurrences in a string How can I count the number..
Count the number of times each word occurs in a file http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6103927/count-the-number-of-times-each-word-occurs-in-a-file the number of times each word occurs in a file Hi I am writing.. 0 And then use it as int main std map std string int wordCount ifstream input enable reading only english letters only input.imbue.. uppercase_word int int std toupper the cast is needed wordCount uppercase_word for std map std string int iterator it wordCount.begin..
What are data breakpoints? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/621535/what-are-data-breakpoints when the contents of variable foo change. In the Byte Count box enter the number of bytes you want the debugger to watch...
Why would one replace default new and delete operators? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7149461/why-would-one-replace-default-new-and-delete-operators you may need to collect usage information such as Count the number of dynamically objects of a class Restrict the number..
Efficient bitwise operations for counting bits or find the right|left most ones http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9093323/efficient-bitwise-operations-for-counting-bits-or-find-the-rightleft-most-ones unsigned int I have to implement the following operations Count the number of bits set to 1 Find the index of the left most..
MSVC++ variadic macro expansion http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9183993/msvc-variadic-macro-expansion expr explain twoArgumentExpansion expr explain Count the number of arguments passed to ASSERT very carefully tiptoeing..
The implementation of random_device in VS2010? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9549357/the-implementation-of-random-device-in-vs2010 thread ID GetCurrentThreadID . The ticks since boot GetTickCount . The current time GetLocalTime . Various high precision performance.. high precision performance counters QueryPerformanceCounter . An MD4 hash of the user's environment block which includes.. system information Idle Process Time Io Read Transfer Count I O Write Transfer Count I O Other Transfer Count I O Read Operation..