c++ Programming Glossary: corrupting
Heap corruption under Win32; how to locate? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1069/heap-corruption-under-win32-how-to-locate I'm working on a multithreaded C application that is corrupting the heap. The usual tools to locate this corruption seem to..
Iterating through a Lua table from C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1438842/iterating-through-a-lua-table-from-c when you add it back in my best guess is that you're corrupting the stack somehow either the C stack or the lua stack . Look..
Stack Size Estimation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1756285/stack-size-estimation the stack bringing down the whole system or silently corrupting memory. I have personally seen this problem in the case where..
What are app domains used for? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2207053/what-are-app-domains-used-for the whole AppDomain when necessary. By the way native code corrupting the heap cannot be protected against by any feature of the CLR...
What is segmentation fault? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2346806/what-is-segmentation-fault belong to you. It ™s a helper mechanism that keeps you from corrupting the memory and introducing hard to debug memory bugs. Whenever..
Seg Fault when using std::string on an embedded Linux platform http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2412667/seg-fault-when-using-stdstring-on-an-embedded-linux-platform running to completion. I expect that something is corrupting the heap but I cannot see what The program will run for a few..
What exactly is a reentrant function? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2799023/what-exactly-is-a-reentrant-function A and then at another point i.e. calling method B without corrupting the whole object. Design your object to make sure that upon..
Why Free crashes when called twice http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3117615/why-free-crashes-when-called-twice them however the consequences are your own fault either corrupting memory or worse or cutting off one of your arms And regarding..
Segmentation fault on boost::multi_array http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8004456/segmentation-fault-on-boostmulti-array the last item in the file. The extra returned data item is corrupting the allocated memory block in the multi_array object. If you..
gSOAP Multithreading http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8150380/gsoap-multithreading under valgrind showed that the 2.8.3 gsoap library was corrupting memory which lead to a SIGSEGV. It should be noted that as of..