c++ Programming Glossary: trim
Removing leading and trailing spaces from a string http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1798112/removing-leading-and-trailing-spaces-from-a-string c string share improve this question It's called trimming. You want to use find_first_not_of to get the index of the.. flexibility #include iostream #include string std string trim const std string str const std string whitespace t const auto.. str const std string fill const std string whitespace t trim first auto result trim str whitespace replace sub ranges auto..
Seeking a true “tool-chain” [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2020869/seeking-a-true-tool-chain a round hole . Anyway you might find that you're able to trim down your suite of possibilities after a while because you can..
What's the best way to trim std::string http://stackoverflow.com/questions/216823/whats-the-best-way-to-trim-stdstring the best way to trim std string I'm currently using the following code to right.. string I'm currently using the following code to right trim all the std strings in my programs std string s s.erase s.find_last_not_of.. Of course answers with elegant alternatives and also left trim solution are welcome. c trim stdstring share improve this..
How to downsize std::vector? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/253157/how-to-downsize-stdvector STL by Scott Meyers Item 17 Use the swap trick to trim excess capacity. vector Person persons .swap persons After that..
C++ vector::clear http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3477715/c-vectorclear reallocation in the future. Sometimes however you want to trim the capacity in the vector. Swapping with a newly created vector..
initializing std::string from char* without copy http://stackoverflow.com/questions/361500/initializing-stdstring-from-char-without-copy a large string by appending many smaller C char strings trim the string convert the string into a C const std string for..
trim is not part of the standard c/c++ library? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/479080/trim-is-not-part-of-the-standard-c-c-library is not part of the standard c c library Is it me or are there.. standard c c library Is it me or are there no standard trim functions in the c or c library is there any single function.. c or c library is there any single function that acts as a trim If not can anyone tell me Why trim is not part of the standard..