c++ Programming Glossary: triangles
How can I allocate all the availble memory in visual studio for my application? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15606429/how-can-i-allocate-all-the-availble-memory-in-visual-studio-for-my-application studio for my application I want to render 4 millions triangles in my windows based software which is written in Visual Studio.. C 2010 Build in Release Mode . When I render 3.9 millions triangles the total RAM memory consumed by the software is 400MB. But.. the software is 400MB. But when I try to render 4 millions triangles just 100K more the system gives me an error. For Example Point..
Delaunay triangulation opencv c++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16603780/delaunay-triangulation-opencv-c the triangulation algorithm starts its job considering triangles posted at infinity . Can you explain me how to draw only the..
What are some best practices for OpenGL coding (esp. w.r.t. object orientation)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/166356/what-are-some-best-practices-for-opengl-coding-esp-w-r-t-object-orientation components interleaved interleaved arrays have array of triangles. If you're in OOP land you could call this class a Mesh . Materials..
Convert triangle strips to triangles? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3485034/convert-triangle-strips-to-triangles triangle strips to triangles I'm using the GPC tessellation library and it outputs triangle.. s .vertex v 1 .x tri.strip s .vertex v 1 .y glEnd Because trianglestrip triangulation goes like this numbers represent vertex indexes.. vertex indexes 0 2 1 3 Note I assume that vertices in trianglestrips are stored in the same order as in my picture AND that..
shared_ptr: horrible speed http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3628081/shared-ptr-horrible-speed nl i e_heuristic half_edges_dt Corect boundary triangles swap edges in triangles adjacent to simplex triangles . They.. half_edges_dt Corect boundary triangles swap edges in triangles adjacent to simplex triangles . They are legal due to DT but.. triangles swap edges in triangles adjacent to simplex triangles . They are legal due to DT but not creating the convex hull..
C++ triangle rasterization http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7870533/c-triangle-rasterization work correctly. For some reason it only draws half of the triangles. void DrawTriangle Point2D p0 Point2D p1 Point2D p2 Point2D.. shapes. When I disable the second region all those weird triangles disappear. The wireframe mode works perfect so this eliminates.. complex version for arbitrary convex polygons not just triangles and I think apart from the Bresenham's algorithm it's very simple..
Segmentation fault at glGenVertexArrays( 1, &vao ); http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8302625/segmentation-fault-at-glgenvertexarrays-1-vao keys #include Angel.h const int NumTriangles 12 6 faces 2 triangles face const int NumVertices 3 NumTriangles const int TextureSize..