c++ Programming Glossary: triggered
How to debug heap corruption errors? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1010106/how-to-debug-heap-corruption-errors 2008. On seemingly random occasions I get a Windows has triggered a break point... error with a note that this might be due to..
What are the incompatible differences betweeen C(99) and C++(11)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10461331/what-are-the-incompatible-differences-betweeen-c99-and-c11 differences betweeen C 99 and C 11 This question was triggered by replie s to a post by Herb Sutter where he explained MS's..
C++ Socket Server - Unable to saturate CPU http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1234750/c-socket-server-unable-to-saturate-cpu syscall does support multiple threads when using edge triggered events but getting it right without excessive locking can be.. work in this area combining a fully multithreaded edge triggered epoll event loop with user scheduled threads fibers and made..
How do conversion operators work in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1307876/how-do-conversion-operators-work-in-c conversions to other integer types. The conversions are triggered anywhere where a built in operator expects a certain type. Conversions..
openCV 2.4.3 iOS framework compiler trouble recognising some c++ headers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13905471/opencv-2-4-3-ios-framework-compiler-trouble-recognising-some-c-headers implemented OpenCV was built without SURF support This is triggered in legacy features2d.cpp Ptr Feature2D surf Algorithm create..
End of File in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1494342/end-of-file-in-c the loop. When it tries and read the c_tmp then EOF gets triggered and your asserts go pear shaped. The solution is to put the..
CoCreateInstance returning E_NOINTERFACE even though interface is found http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1781906/cocreateinstance-returning-e-nointerface-even-though-interface-is-found that when CoCreateInstance is called QueryInterface is triggered several times for different interfaces First IUnknown is requested..
Float addition promoted to double? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1839225/float-addition-promoted-to-double 0.2f float y 0.1f float z x y assert z x y This assert is triggered Atleast with visual studio 2008 The reason seems to be that.. version in z . If i change z to double the assert isn't triggered . I can see that for precision reasons it would make sense to..
Most portable and reliable way to get the address of variable in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2333321/most-portable-and-reliable-way-to-get-the-address-of-variable-in-c I can get unexpected results the overloaded operator is triggered. In another question the following workaround is suggested template..
How to make boost::thread_group execute a fixed number of parallel threads http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3344028/how-to-make-boostthread-group-execute-a-fixed-number-of-parallel-threads
How often do you check for an exception in a C++ new instruction? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/399946/how-often-do-you-check-for-an-exception-in-a-c-new-instruction memory usage If you cannot solve the problem that triggered the exception then do not handle the exception. share improve..
Detecting USB Insertion / Removal Events in Windows using C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4078909/detecting-usb-insertion-removal-events-in-windows-using-c crashing or locking up but the event handler is never triggered. The device of interest is installed on Windows as a virtual..
Distinguish between single and double click events in Qt http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4627347/distinguish-between-single-and-double-click-events-in-qt prevent it from firing. If a double click handler is not triggered the timer will timeout and call a slot of your choice where..
How to set breakpoint at the very beginning of program execution http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5513654/how-to-set-breakpoint-at-the-very-beginning-of-program-execution debuggers including Visual Studio. This dialog is triggered right after Windows has loaded the EXE before any code starts..
I don't want my Excel Add-In to return an array (instead I need a UDF to change other cells) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8520732/i-dont-want-my-excel-add-in-to-return-an-array-instead-i-need-a-udf-to-change of two timer routines. Because this timer routine is ' triggered by Application.OnTime it is safe i.e. Excel will not allow the..
tidy code for asynchronous IO http://stackoverflow.com/questions/883156/tidy-code-for-asynchronous-io select is simple reactor epoll have both edge or level triggered interface that require different approach iocp is proactor require..
Does there exist a static_warning? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8936063/does-there-exist-a-static-warning part of the code. Update. Ideally the warning would be triggered in the following setup template typename T struct Foo static_warning..