c++ Programming Glossary: triggering
Why can't Codan find size_t http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10095295/why-cant-codan-find-size-t error go away. Turning off all Syntax and Semantic Errors triggering the analysis going back in and turning them all back on and..
If an operator is overloaded for a C++ class how could I use a default operator instead? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1142607/if-an-operator-is-overloaded-for-a-c-class-how-could-i-use-a-default-operator pointer without calling the overloaded operator and triggering the side effect c operator overloading share improve this..
Template func and non template func call order http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12174493/template-func-and-non-template-func-call-order ADL. In your code max is a dependent name but the symbols triggering ADL are std vector which draws in std and int which doesn't..
Nested Lambda Capture in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15020337/nested-lambda-capture-in-c If you're using Visual Studio 2010 your code could be triggering a bug which doesn't allow you to capture a variable in a nested..
Usefulness of signaling NaN? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2247447/usefulness-of-signaling-nan into a float register as part of initialization thereby triggering the signal because the the compiler isn't aware that this float..
How are circular #includes resolved? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3127171/how-are-circular-includes-resolved prevent the contents inside the ifndef from being used and triggering the recursive includes again. #ifndef HEADER_1_h #define HEADER_1_h..
why doesn't my program crash when I write past the end of an array? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6452959/why-doesnt-my-program-crash-when-i-write-past-the-end-of-an-array 201 all the way up to element 199 808 1007 q 1007 without triggering a seg fault. When accessing q 1008 you enter a new page for..
Why is failbit when eof on read? Is there a way out? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6781545/why-is-failbit-when-eof-on-read-is-there-a-way-out I forgot to mention is that eofbit can be set without triggering failbit. For example suppose that I have a text file that contains..
Incomplete class usage in template http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7210286/incomplete-class-usage-in-template bit seems to be that the code is translated without triggering template instantiations in one step and then in a later step..
Blocking socket returns EAGAIN http://stackoverflow.com/questions/735249/blocking-socket-returns-eagain as often as I thought they did. Perhaps it is the timeout triggering. For connecting I want to be able to have connect timeout so..
IAudioSessionNotification, anyone have working code? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/858974/iaudiosessionnotification-anyone-have-working-code by launching little apps with minor sound effects and triggering them Soltaire Minesweeper etc. confirming that they show up..
Compiling a simple parser with Boost.Spirit http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9404558/compiling-a-simple-parser-with-boost-spirit skeleton utility I'm hacking on I have a grammar for triggering substitutions in text. I thought it a wonderful way to get comfortable..
Calling NSLog from C++: “Format string is not a string literal (potentially insecure)” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9793199/calling-nslog-from-c-format-string-is-not-a-string-literal-potentially-inse settings. Is there a way to call NSLog from C without triggering this message I'm using Xcode 4.2.1. Edit This really is C code...