

c++ Programming Glossary: force

Tools to find included headers which are unused? [closed]


all functions were in overload set If you take the brute force approach first remove all headers and then re add them until.. 'foo int int ' As for the overload example the brute force approach may result in a program which still compiles but has..

Reduce flicker with GDI+ and C++


other suggestions first. Avoiding window class styles that force a full redraw on each resize CS_VREDRAW CS_HREDRAW This will..

Best way to detect integer overflow in C/C++


position of the highest one bit in a number here's a brute force method size_t highestOneBitPosition uint32_t a size_t bits 0..

Multiple definition of inline functions when linking static libs


for these inline functions in both libraries How can I force it to stop generating them in my code Is there a tool I can..

Adding C++ Object to Objective-C Class


that implements your Objective C class. That way you don't force other files that include the header to use Objective C header..

Prevent scientific notation in ostream when using << with double


it for the remainder of the stream output. fixed will enforce that all floating point numbers are output the same way. So.. 6.20 will both be output as 6.2000 6.2000 showpoint will force the decimal portions of a floating point variable to be displayed..

Finding C++ static initialization order problems


local static variable . Solution you must make sure you force the order of destruction. Remember the order of destruction..

what is/are the purpose(s) of inline?


is no guarantee that functions will be inlined. You cannot force the compiler to inline a particular function even with the __forceinline.. compiler to inline a particular function even with the __forceinline keyword. When compiling with clr the compiler will not.. prolog epilog part incurs more cost than having it inline force the compiler to generate them But you must absolutely must go..

How to implement the factory pattern in C++ correctly


return new Foo some args Cool Often indeed. But then this forces the user to only use dynamic allocation. Static allocation.. philosophy aside In the general case I don't want to force the users of the factory to be restrained to dynamic allocation...

Polymorphism in c++


irrelevant. The concepts cut from C 11 help express and enforce such expectations let's hope they make it into the next Standard... around the use of polymorphism so localised use doesn't force widespread use and making the benefits of polymorphism available..

Can a local variable's memory be accessed outside its scope?


in the real world no problem. There is no mysterious force that causes your book to disappear when you are no longer authorized.. authorized to be in the room. Nor is there a mysterious force that prevents you from entering a room with a stolen key. The..

Protecting executable from reverse engineering?


0 void startup code here Runtime check for debuggers and force exit if detected Function trampolines void trampoline void fnptr..

Random number generation in C++11 , how to generate , how do they work? [closed]


the seed. I think I had a buggy implementation once which forced me to force the seed for std mt19937 to uint32_t on x64 eventually.. think I had a buggy implementation once which forced me to force the seed for std mt19937 to uint32_t on x64 eventually this..

What does the unary plus operator do?


than the operator itself. For example it can be used to force widening from smaller integral types to int or ensure that an..

What is the difference between Cygwin and MinGW?


by GPLv3 their license contains an exception that does not force a derived work to be covered by the GPLv3 . MinGW is a C C compiler..

(c++) The benefits / disadvantages of unity builds?


thought that editing one cpp file in the unity files will force recompilation of all of them. thanks c build process compilation..

Need for predictable random generator


generator or maybe to remember previous random states to force proper distribution. c algorithm random share improve this..

Force line-buffering of stdout when piping to tee


line buffering of stdout when piping to tee Usually stdout..

0xC0020001: The string binding is invalid. - Only occurring in WPF


as in the previous step add __DllMainCRTStartup@12 to the Force Symbol References property. More detail can be found here http..

Thread pool using boost asio


run io_service_ @brief Destructor. ~thread_pool Force all threads to return from io_service run . io_service_.stop..

C++ : handle resources if constructors may throw exceptions (Reference to FAQ 17.4]


class Foo public Foo int error 0 p new Fred throw error Force throw trying to understand what will happen to p ~Foo if p..

Force GLUtesselator to generate only GL_TRIANGLES?


GLUtesselator to generate only GL_TRIANGLES It's pretty hard..

Where in the C++11 standard does it specify when a constexpr function can be evaluated during translation?


double eulers_num return 2.718281828459045235360287471 Forced evaluation during translation constexpr double twoEulers eulers_num.. I've been unable to find the paragraphs in the FDIS that Force twoEulers to be evaluated during translation or Specify other..

C/C++: Force Bit Field Order and Alignment


C Force Bit Field Order and Alignment I read that the order of bit..

Rendering issue with different computers


Message eTB_ColorPrintf 0xff0000ff s n n message Force the console to flush its contents before executing a breakpoint..

using catch(…) (ellipsis) for post-mortem analysis


message than ... throw catch ... Catch all exceptions. Force the stack to unwind correctly. You may want to log something..

Force type of C++ template


type of C template I've a basic template class but I'd like..

Force a std::vector to free its memory? [duplicate]


a std vector to free its memory duplicate Possible Duplicates..

High delay in RS232 communication on a PXA270


COM1 mPhysicalComPort open aPort O_RDWR O_NOCTTY O_NDELAY Force read call to block if no data available int f fcntl mPhysicalComPort..

Can I force cache coherency on a multicore x86 CPU?


force execution to pause until the value has been written. Force example you can do an mfence before releasing a mutex to ensure..

Output of cuda program is not what was expected


cudaMemcpy h_x 0 msg 13 sizeof char cudaMemcpyHostToDevice Force Thread Synchronization cudaError err cudaThreadSynchronize Check.. __LINE__ cudaGetErrorString err setValues nObjects 1 d_x Force Thread Synchronization err cudaThreadSynchronize Check for and.. sizeof char cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost printf d p s n i p Force Thread Synchronization err cudaThreadSynchronize Check for and..

Force-directed layout in C++


directed layout in C Are you aware of an open source implementation..

OpenCV - Object matching using SURF descriptors and BruteForceMatcher


Object matching using SURF descriptors and BruteForceMatcher I have a question about objects matching with OpenCV... of these features. The problem in matching using Brute Force Matcher I don't know how I judge that the two images are matched.. surfDesc.compute image2 keypoints2 descriptors2 BruteForceMatcher L2 float matcher vector DMatch matches matcher.match..

Force all classes to implement / override a 'pure virtual' method in multi-level inheritance hierarchy


all classes to implement override a 'pure virtual' method in..