

c++ Programming Glossary: foo_

C++11 reentrant class locking strategy


like will work as a parameter. template typename T bool foo_set T new_val Begin foo_set variants required to deal with C.. template typename T bool foo_set T new_val Begin foo_set variants required to deal with C types e.g. char char . The.. to deal with C types e.g. char char . The rest of the foo_set methods here are NOT required under normal circumstances...

Copy Constructor not called by synthesized property setter in Objective C++ code


If the synthesized setter is conceptually void setFoo Foo foo_ foo foo_ then operator should be called rather than the copy.. setter is conceptually void setFoo Foo foo_ foo foo_ then operator should be called rather than the copy constructor...

Naming convention for params of ctors and setters


member variables with no special notation like m_foo or foo_ how do you name parameters to your ctors and setters Some options.. conventions share improve this question I'm using foo_ it's better than _foo since it won't conflict with implementation..