c++ Programming Glossary: foobyvalue
Is `std::function` allowed to move its arguments? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10008503/is-stdfunction-allowed-to-move-its-arguments typedef std function void CopyableMovable byValue byValue fooByValue foo CopyableMovable cm fooByValue cm outputs default copy move.. byValue byValue fooByValue foo CopyableMovable cm fooByValue cm outputs default copy move move We see here that a copy of..
prolonging the lifetime of temporaries http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4670137/prolonging-the-lifetime-of-temporaries the other way around. Why did they allowed Foo const foo fooByValue to begin with It makes life somewhat easier but introduces potential.. all over the place. Foo const fooByReference return fooByValue error returning a reference to a temporary This is obviously.. would too. Foo const fooByIndirectReference Foo const foo fooByValue OK you're allowed to bind a temporary return foo Generally..