c++ Programming Glossary: footprint
How can I efficiently select a Standard Library container in C++11? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10699265/how-can-i-efficiently-select-a-standard-library-container-in-c11 for a list a forward_list is only useful for lesser memory footprint. Question 3 Dynamically sized If the container has a known size..
Tiny C++ cross-platform GUI toolkit http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1086179/tiny-c-cross-platform-gui-toolkit toolkit Which C cross platform GUI toolkit gives smallest footprint with both static and dynamic builds I don't need a very sophisticated..
light-weight C++ image library http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11816571/light-weight-c-image-library which is truly comprehensive but is a mammoth Tiny memory footprint Only supports the absolute minimum of functions like load save..
fastest c++ file compression library available? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/124239/fastest-c-file-compression-library-available library better in terms of performance and memory footprint. It should be able to handle multiple files in the same archive...
Best open XML parser for C++ [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/170686/best-open-xml-parser-for-c See Performance section in the Online Manual. Small memory footprint of the code and created DOM trees. A headers only implementation..
C++ fixed point library? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2945747/c-fixed-point-library cast back and forth in order to take a square root. Small footprint. Any suggestions c math fixed point share improve this question..
C# in comparison to C++: what is your strongest pain? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/370141/c-sharp-in-comparison-to-c-what-is-your-strongest-pain to cast down. Before generics it was even worse. Memory footprint. It is bloody impossible to keep memory under control with C#..
How can I read and manipulate CSV file data in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/415515/how-can-i-read-and-manipulate-csv-file-data-in-c files or even an HTML table rendering. Your memory footprint is likely to be smaller depends on relative sizeof Customer..
When do programmers use Empty Base Optimization (EBO) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4325144/when-do-programmers-use-empty-base-optimization-ebo S is used as base class of another class does its memory footprint shrink to zero. To realize the impact of this saving imagine..
In C++, should I almost always use virtual inheritance? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4543537/in-c-should-i-almost-always-use-virtual-inheritance inheritance adds sizeof pointer to an object's memory footprint. Other than that are there any drawbacks to me just using virtual..
What C++ Smart Pointer Implementations are available? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5026197/what-c-smart-pointer-implementations-are-available algorithms etc. Since it's performance overhead and memory footprint are limited this is an ideal candidate for replacing or perhaps..
C++ - Can massive nested loops cause the linker to run endlessly when compiling in Release-Mode? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5138831/c-can-massive-nested-loops-cause-the-linker-to-run-endlessly-when-compiling performance sensitive operataion with a minimal memory footprint. This leads me to ask why would inlining cause such a problem..
C++ on Small-Footprint Microcontrollers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5710942/c-on-small-footprint-microcontrollers virtual inheritance have a huge impact on complexity or footprint I would think it'd be a little extra memory but most of the..
Implementing scripts in c++ app http://stackoverflow.com/questions/63784/implementing-scripts-in-c-app is more lightweight than python. It's got a smaller memory footprint than python does and in our experience was easier to integrate..
How much footprint does C++ exception handling add http://stackoverflow.com/questions/691168/how-much-footprint-does-c-exception-handling-add much footprint does C exception handling add This issue is important especially.. for embedded development. Exception handling adds some footprint to generated binary output. On the other hand without exceptions.. interested in your experiences especially What is average footprint added by your compiler for the exception handling if you have..
C-Style upcast and downcast involving private inheritance http://stackoverflow.com/questions/844816/c-style-upcast-and-downcast-involving-private-inheritance i.e. how do they know the type of inheritance from memory footprint After bPtr1 is casted to aPtr3 i will have to use another C..