c++ Programming Glossary: follwing
Forward declaration of class doesn't seem to work in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1885471/forward-declaration-of-class-doesnt-seem-to-work-in-c declaration of class doesn't seem to work in C The follwing code is compiled in VC 6. I don't understand why I am getting..
How can I decode HTML entities in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2078520/how-can-i-decode-html-entities-in-c link the object file with your C code eg if you have the follwing example program foo.cpp #include iostream extern C size_t decode_html_entities_utf8..
Physical constness of a class http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2352902/physical-constness-of-a-class provide one final illustration of the above consider the follwing declaration const MyClass const const const p whatever This..
minimal reflection in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3665423/minimal-reflection-in-c creation functions. You will need something like the follwing class thing ... class thing_A public thing ... class thing_B..
How to compile dynamic library for a JNI application on linux? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3950635/how-to-compile-dynamic-library-for-a-jni-application-on-linux String args Hello h new Hello h.sayHello Then I ran the follwing commands dierre@cox ~ Scrivania provajni javac Hello.java dierre@cox..
template class c++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4573952/template-class-c design a template for my university project. i wrote the follwing code #ifndef _LinkedList_H_ #define _LinkedList_H_ #include..
Sorting std::map using value http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5056645/sorting-stdmap-using-value is there a easy way to do it. i got one solution in the follwing thread std map sort by data is there any better solution. map..
How to Log Stack Frames with Windows x64 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/590160/how-to-log-stack-frames-with-windows-x64 argc char argv funcA Running this sample results in the follwing log file content 0 called from 000000014000109E STACK 000000000012F780..
Why is it undefined behavior to delete[] an array of derived objects via a base pointer? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6171814/why-is-it-undefined-behavior-to-delete-an-array-of-derived-objects-via-a-base at the quote at the top again this would mean that the follwing code invokes undefined behaviour if I got that right regardless..