

c++ Programming Glossary: fold

C++ refactoring: conditional expansion and block elimination


if true s1 else s2 s2 You also need rules to simplify fold constant expressions involving arithmetic and rules to handle.. To see what DMS rules look like for integer constant folding see Algebra as a DMS domain . Unlike regexes DMS rewrite..

Why does C++ still have a delete[] AND a delete operator? [closed]


number of objects and deallocates the memory. One could fold these into the same operation calls the destructor of some number..

What is the difference between NULL, '\0' and 0


in the code and the compiler optimizations constant fold the 0 into the if statement but this is not guaranteed and the..

How to parse text for a DSL at compile time?


value_exp _val build_not _1 value_exp _val _1 typedef foldlp last_of and_token not_exp not_exp build_and and_exp and_exp.. and_exp and_exp not_exp omit and_token not_exp typedef foldlp last_of or_token and_exp and_exp build_or or_exp or_exp and_exp.. build_or or_exp or_exp and_exp omit or_token and_exp foldlp RepeatingParser InitialParser SemanticAction this parser combinator..

Why global and static variables are initialized to their default values?


storage class does start as garbage. The answer is two fold It doesn't in a sense. The very first stack frame does receive..

Do c++ templates make programs slow?


with respect to code size yes most compilers can and will fold together the code for identical instantiations but that's normally..

Do you use curly braces for additional scoping? [closed]


. In the above link Eli mentioned that They use it to fold up their code in logical sections that don't fall into a function.. fall into a function class loop etc. that would usually be folded up. What other uses are there besides those mentioned Is it..

F# performance in scientific computing


at the content of the Array module map map2 mapi iter fold zip... Arrays are popular in scientific computing I guess due..

Weird behavior of right shift operator


the 1 32 is a constant expression so the compiler will fold the constant at compile time which somehow gives 0. Since the..

On the use and abuse of alloca


test the performance difference see below and there is a 5 fold speed difference between alloca and malloc the test captures..

Alias template specialisation


not a template anymore. The term specialization is two fold and can refer to a generated specialization which is a specialization..