c++ Programming Glossary: folder
Creating a ZIP file on Windows (XP/2003) in C/C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/118547/creating-a-zip-file-on-windows-xp-2003-in-c-c in C C I am looking for a way to create a ZIP file from a folder in Windows C C APIs. I can find the way to do this in VBScript..
Hooking DirectX EndScene from an injected DLL http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1994676/hooking-directx-endscene-from-an-injected-dll which is then copied to the games path. Since the current folder is searched first before going to system32 etc. my modified..
(How) can I count the items in an enum? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2102582/how-can-i-count-the-items-in-an-enum FB FC and wanted to create an array of containers for each folder ContainerClass m_containers 3 .... m_containers FA ... etc...
How to build Qt for Visual Studio 2010 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5601950/how-to-build-qt-for-visual-studio-2010 qt everywhere opensource src 4.7.2.zip . Unzip this into a folder and make its path something nice and small for example E Qt.. within the command prompt navigate to your extracted Qt folder using old school DOS way which means you have to change drive..
App does not run with VS 2008 SP1 DLLs, previous version works with RTM versions http://stackoverflow.com/questions/59635/app-does-not-run-with-vs-2008-sp1-dlls-previous-version-works-with-rtm-versions script pulls the dlls and manifest files from the redist folder. These were no longer correct as the app still links to the.. projects so that they will use the SP1 DLLs in the redist folder or subsequent ones as new service packs come out . It took me.. the generated manifest files in the intermediate files folder from the compilation and they correctly list the 9.0.30729.1..
Building glew on windows with mingw http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6005076/building-glew-on-windows-with-mingw lgdi32 luser32 lkernel32 You should then have a lib folder and a bin folder with the desired executables and libraries.. lkernel32 You should then have a lib folder and a bin folder with the desired executables and libraries share improve this..
Create WCF service for unmanaged C++ clients http://stackoverflow.com/questions/686452/create-wcf-service-for-unmanaged-c-clients In the Solution Explorer right click the References folder for the HelloServiceClient project and select the Add Service..
OpenCV 2.3 C++ Visual Studio 2010 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7011238/opencv-2-3-c-visual-studio-2010 build x86 vc10 lib.obj' There's no lib.obj in OpenCV folders. I've only unziped OpenCV 2.3.0 win superpack.exe without using.. win superpack.exe and execute it to extract all files to a folder named OpenCV2.3 . Inside this folder there are 2 directories.. all files to a folder named OpenCV2.3 . Inside this folder there are 2 directories build and opencv . All the setup on..
“string could not resolved” error in eclipse for C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7905025/string-could-not-resolved-error-in-eclipse-for-c a new workspace. Remove .cproject file and the .settings folder Import your project as Makefile project or just create a new.. using find usr include name vector print Put include folder paths to Right click on Project Properties C General Path and..
Glew problems, unresolved externals http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11059971/glew-problems-unresolved-externals __cdecl init void init@@YAXXZ C Users Mike Desktop Test Folder ModelLoader through VBO ModelLoader main.obj ModelLoader Error.. __cdecl init void init@@YAXXZ C Users Mike Desktop Test Folder ModelLoader through VBO ModelLoader main.obj ModelLoader Error.. symbol __imp____glewGenBuffers C Users Mike Desktop Test Folder ModelLoader through VBO ModelLoader main.obj ModelLoader Error..
Delete folder with items http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1149764/delete-folder-with-items std cin using std cout int main RemoveDirectory C New Folder cin.get return EXIT_SUCCESS Source http www.dreamincode.net..
Checking if a folder exists (and creating folders) in Qt, C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2241808/checking-if-a-folder-exists-and-creating-folders-in-qt-c improve this question To check if a directory named Folder exists use QDir Folder .exists To create a new folder named.. To check if a directory named Folder exists use QDir Folder .exists To create a new folder named MyFolder use QDir .mkdir..
File and Folder structure of a App/Project based in C http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2407668/file-and-folder-structure-of-a-app-project-based-in-c and Folder structure of a App Project based in C What would be the general..
Programmatically selecting file in explorer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3010305/programmatically-selecting-file-in-explorer to replicate the Visual Studio option to Open Containing Folder of a document. This feature in Visual Studio behaves the same.. to my question. I need to use the shell function SHOpenFolderAndSelectItems . Here is the code for the function if anybody.. ITEMIDLIST pidl ILCreateFromPath filename if pidl SHOpenFolderAndSelectItems pidl 0 0 0 ILFree pidl share improve this answer..
Using LibTiff in Visual Studio 2010 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4647791/using-libtiff-in-visual-studio-2010 the folder libtiff from the tiff 3.9.2.zip to the Project Folder 3 Copied the file fax2tiff.c to the Project Folder 4 Added those.. Project Folder 3 Copied the file fax2tiff.c to the Project Folder 4 Added those files to the Project 5 Added the libtiff folter..
Optimizating my code simulating a database http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5389087/optimizating-my-code-simulating-a-database it in the computer memory string ruta_base C a Table.txt Folder where my Table.txt is found string temp Variable where every..
What is “Clean C” and how does it differ from standard C? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9694776/what-is-clean-c-and-how-does-it-differ-from-standard-c
How to get file permissions with c++ boost library? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9776050/how-to-get-file-permissions-with-c-boost-library lalalala is a link home usr Desktop test la lala Untitled Folder is a directory containing home usr Desktop test la lala lalalala..