

c++ Programming Glossary: fluent

How to make the login part in QuickFIX


for that. Please forgive any coding errors. I'm much more fluent in the Java C# versions of the QF engine though the basic principles..

Builders in Java versus C++?


the not idiomatic although I have seen examples of such fluent interface styles in C code. It may be because there are a number..

codingbat-like site for C++ [closed]


has a pretty good article about it and it's all meant for fluent C programmers not for C novices . There is unfortunately not..

Qt goes LGPL! On Windows, is it good enough to use instead of MFC? [closed]


bit of MFC work which has always bothered me. I'm somewhat fluent in it so I've put off switching. I was wanting to use the switch..

Unable to run an application compiled on OS-X Snow Leopard (10.6.7) on another Mac using OS-X Leopard (10.5.8). libstdc++.6.dylib error returned


can tell my what I'm missing here I don't really feel fluent with the OS X methods and organisation so I could have missed..

Messaging/Events vs. Traditional Method calls


similar to Events in vb.net vb.net and Java are my most fluent languages . Whereas C uses traditional Pass Return method calls...

code examples for learning LLVM backend programming


later program transformations. I assume as I will be more fluent with analysis then will be time for program transformations..