c++ Programming Glossary: bitmap.setpixel
How can I convert a binary file to another binary representation, like an image http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3408864/how-can-i-convert-a-binary-file-to-another-binary-representation-like-an-image dimension 2 store the file length in the first pixel. bitmap.SetPixel 0 0 Color.FromArgb int fi.Length var buffer new byte fi.Length.. 4 var colorValue BitConverter.ToInt32 buffer offset bitmap.SetPixel x y Color.FromArgb colorValue x if x dimension x 0 y bitmap.Save.. exefile int x 0 y 0 foreach var @byte in buffer bitmap.SetPixel x 0 y getcolor @byte 0x80 bitmap.SetPixel x 1 y getcolor @byte..