c++ Programming Glossary: bind2nd
std::mem_fun vs std::mem_fn http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11680807/stdmem-fun-vs-stdmem-fn two is the same as the relation between std bind1st std bind2nd and the C 11 std bind . Both std mem_fn and std bind were developed..
How to use bind1st and bind2nd? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1418756/how-to-use-bind1st-and-bind2nd to use bind1st and bind2nd I would like to learn how to use binding functions. Here is.. int elements ... for_each elements.begin elements.end std bind2nd print_i ' n' But it does not work Here is what I get usr include.. binders.h In function ˜std binder2nd _Operation std bind2nd const _Operation const _Tp with _Operation void int std string..
mem_fun and bind1st problem http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1762781/mem-fun-and-bind1st-problem mem fun share improve this question You need to use bind2nd instead of bind1st transform availableObjs.begin availableObjs.end.. availableObjs.end back_inserter clonedObjs bind2nd mem_fun A clone container container is of type B The functor..
How to use std::foreach with parameters/modification http://stackoverflow.com/questions/476488/how-to-use-stdforeach-with-parameters-modification vector X myVec std for_each myVec.begin myVec.end std bind2nd std mem_fun_ref X doWhat 4 std for_each myVec.begin myVec.end..
Using bind1st for a method that takes argument by reference http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7822652/using-bind1st-for-a-method-that-takes-argument-by-reference c share improve this question std bind1st and std bind2nd don't accept functors which take reference arguments because..