c++ Programming Glossary: bitfield
Bitfield manipulation in C http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1044654/bitfield-manipulation-in-c and clear. My coworker agrees it's common and easy but the bitfield union method is worth the extra few lines to make it portable.. access to integral variables. You can argue that the bitfield method is easier to write but it also means more code to review...
What does the “|” in “int style = SWT.APPLICATION_MODAL | SWT.OK;” do (and how to Google it)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1396340/what-does-the-in-int-style-swt-application-modal-swt-ok-do-and-how-t for my popup box. It's a very commonly used idiom with bitfield configuration identifiers esp. in windowing systems like SWT..
struct bitfield max size (C99, C++) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2647320/struct-bitfield-max-size-c99-c bitfield max size C99 C What is maximal bit width for bit struct field..
C++ bitfield packing with bools http://stackoverflow.com/questions/308364/c-bitfield-packing-with-bools bitfield packing with bools I've just done a test with bitfields and.. bitfield packing with bools I've just done a test with bitfields and the results are surprising me. class test1 public bool..
What does the |= operator mean in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4217762/what-does-the-operator-mean-in-c 'a' is itself a complex expression something i .array j bitfield 23 vs something i .array i bitfield something i .array j bitfield.. something i .array j bitfield 23 vs something i .array i bitfield something i .array j bitfield 23 Was that difference intentional.. 23 vs something i .array i bitfield something i .array j bitfield 23 Was that difference intentional or accidental ... Answer..
what does this mean in c int a:16;? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4706584/what-does-this-mean-in-c-int-a16 annotations share improve this question This is a bitfield . This particular bitfield doesn't make much sense as you just.. this question This is a bitfield . This particular bitfield doesn't make much sense as you just could use a 16 bit type.. use a 16 bit type and you're wasting some space as the bitfield is padded to the size of int . Usually you are using it for..
How to implement the factory pattern in C++ correctly http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5120768/how-to-implement-the-factory-pattern-in-c-correctly API such as GUIDs of unrelated domains or a GUID and a bitfield types semantically totally different so in theory valid overloads..
System where 1 byte != 8 bit? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5516044/system-where-1-byte-8-bit as number of bits for the smallest object that is not a bitfield byte . There are however current machines mostly DSPs where..