c# Programming Glossary: skips
How can I stop Add-Migration checking my database has no pending migrations when using Code-Based migrations? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11204900/how-can-i-stop-add-migration-checking-my-database-has-no-pending-migrations-when command that just duplicates what the EF one does but skips the seemingly needless DB up to date check I've tried passing..
Check if 2 URLs are equal http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1222610/check-if-2-urls-are-equal checking avenue. The implemenation of the SiteMapProvider skips this step if the URL starts with Http as this assumes an external..
C# if/then directives for debug vs release http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2104099/c-sharp-if-then-directives-for-debug-vs-release it prints Mode Debug is because of your #define and then skips the elif . Also the right way to check is #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine..
List of new features in C#2.0, 3.0 and 4.0 [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3174942/list-of-new-features-in-c2-0-3-0-and-4-0 access version of the second edition of C# in Depth . It skips C# 1 but goes into detail on every feature of C# 2 3 and 4...
Ignoring accented letters in string comparison http://stackoverflow.com/questions/359827/ignoring-accented-letters-in-string-comparison chars 'e' acute. It then iterates through the chars and skips the diacritics. héllo becomes he acute llo which in turn becomes..
How do I cast a List<T> effectively? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/504729/how-do-i-cast-a-listt-effectively list and returns all items which are of type T and skips the ones that are not of that type. list.Cast casts all items..
NV_STEREO_IMAGE_SIGNATURE and DirectX 10/11 (nVidia 3D Vision) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7377861/nv-stereo-image-signature-and-directx-10-11-nvidia-3d-vision value Render this texture on the screen My test code skips the first two steps as I already have a stereo texture. It was..
LINQ: Not Any vs All Don't http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9027530/linq-not-any-vs-all-dont decision that I don't understand and it takes a few mental skips to realise that no they just decided to do it that way wait..
How to create a List<T> from a comma separated string? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/910119/how-to-create-a-listt-from-a-comma-separated-string One final slower method that avoids temps TryParse but skips invalid entries is to use Regex var myList Regex.Matches ids..