

c# Programming Glossary: size.height

C#: TreeView owner drawing with ownerdrawtext and the weird black highlighting when clicking on a node


textFont size.Width ClientRectangle.Width 2 textStartPos.X size.Height 1 Rectangle rect new Rectangle textStartPos size.ToSize e.Graphics.DrawRectangle..

Showing a Windows form on a secondary monitor?


form.Top location.Y form.Width size.Width form.Height size.Height The properties of bounds seem correct but in both methods I've..

Resizing window causes black strips


this.Handle Form.Handle size.Width size.Height out hDC using var g Graphics.FromHdc hDC this.backBuffer.Render..

How to use imagemagick.net in .net ? Please for examples [closed]


int sourceWidth imgToResize.Width int sourceHeight imgToResize.Height float nPercent 0 float nPercentW 0 float nPercentH 0 nPercentW.. float size.Width float sourceWidth nPercentH float size.Height float sourceHeight if nPercentH nPercentW nPercent nPercentH..

Can you make an alpha transparent PNG with C#?


using Bitmap image new Bitmap int size.Width int size.Height Graphics g Graphics.FromImage Image image g.FillRectangle Brushes.White.. right using Bitmap image new Bitmap int size.Width int size.Height PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb Graphics g Graphics.FromImage Image..

How can I get better results when shrinking an image


return null var resizedImage new Bitmap size.Width size.Height image.PixelFormat resizedImage.SetResolution image.HorizontalResolution..

How to capture the screen and mouse pointer using Windows APIs?


new Point 0 0 Bitmap bitmap new Bitmap size.Width size.Height using Graphics graphics Graphics.FromImage bitmap graphics.CopyFromScreen..

Create Bitmap from a byte array of pixel data


GetStride size.Width pxFormat byte data new byte stride size.Height GCHandle handle GCHandle.Alloc data GCHandleType.Pinned Bitmap.. data GCHandleType.Pinned Bitmap bmp new Bitmap size.Width size.Height stride pxFormat handle.AddrOfPinnedObject After doing your stuff..