c# Programming Glossary: size.width
C#: TreeView owner drawing with ownerdrawtext and the weird black highlighting when clicking on a node http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1003459/c-treeview-owner-drawing-with-ownerdrawtext-and-the-weird-black-highlighting-w SizeF size e.Graphics.MeasureString text textFont size.Width ClientRectangle.Width 2 textStartPos.X size.Height 1 Rectangle..
Showing a Windows form on a secondary monitor? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1363374/showing-a-windows-form-on-a-secondary-monitor form.Left location.X form.Top location.Y form.Width size.Width form.Height size.Height The properties of bounds seem correct..
Resizing window causes black strips http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2613439/resizing-window-causes-black-strips handle API.PaintAndResizeBegin this.Handle Form.Handle size.Width size.Height out hDC using var g Graphics.FromHdc hDC this.backBuffer.Render..
How to use imagemagick.net in .net ? Please for examples [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2996973/how-to-use-imagemagick-net-in-net-please-for-examples Image imgToResize Size size int sourceWidth imgToResize.Width int sourceHeight imgToResize.Height float nPercent 0 float nPercentW.. 0 float nPercentW 0 float nPercentH 0 nPercentW float size.Width float sourceWidth nPercentH float size.Height float sourceHeight..
Can you make an alpha transparent PNG with C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/388677/can-you-make-an-alpha-transparent-png-with-c text f 25 stringFormat using Bitmap image new Bitmap int size.Width int size.Height Graphics g Graphics.FromImage Image image g.FillRectangle.. it still isn't right using Bitmap image new Bitmap int size.Width int size.Height PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb Graphics g Graphics.FromImage..
How can I get better results when shrinking an image http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6170912/how-can-i-get-better-results-when-shrinking-an-image null size.IsEmpty return null var resizedImage new Bitmap size.Width size.Height image.PixelFormat resizedImage.SetResolution image.HorizontalResolution..
How to capture the screen and mouse pointer using Windows APIs? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6750056/how-to-capture-the-screen-and-mouse-pointer-using-windows-apis Point pointOfOrigin new Point 0 0 Bitmap bitmap new Bitmap size.Width size.Height using Graphics graphics Graphics.FromImage bitmap..
Create Bitmap from a byte array of pixel data http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6782489/create-bitmap-from-a-byte-array-of-pixel-data always true. More info at bobpowell . int stride GetStride size.Width pxFormat byte data new byte stride size.Height GCHandle handle.. data GCHandleType.Pinned Bitmap bmp new Bitmap size.Width size.Height stride pxFormat handle.AddrOfPinnedObject After..