c# Programming Glossary: sleeps
C# Timer or Thread.Sleep http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1091710/c-sharp-timer-or-thread-sleep minute code here lastMinute curMinute Thread.Sleep 50000 sleeps for 50 seconds if error condition that would break you out of..
Regular expression to remove XML tags and their content http://stackoverflow.com/questions/121656/regular-expression-to-remove-xml-tags-and-their-content i 1 b ept bpt i 2 x 2 type ulined u bpt cat ept i 2 u ept sleeps. Any regex in VB.NET or C# will do. c# .net xml vb.net regex..
Is CorrelationManager.LogicalOperationStack compatible with Parallel.For, Tasks, Threads, etc http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4729479/is-correlationmanager-logicaloperationstack-compatible-with-parallel-for-tasks sets an ActivityId at the beginning of the Task delegate sleeps to simulate work then checks the ActivityId at the end to make..
When is it acceptable to call GC.Collect? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/478167/when-is-it-acceptable-to-call-gc-collect that wakes up at intervals performs some task and then sleeps for a long time. In this case it may be a good idea to force..
Multithreaded service, BackgroundWorker vs ThreadPool? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6627104/multithreaded-service-backgroundworker-vs-threadpool Service. I'm testing with a small application that just sleeps threads after starting them for random timespans of 300 to 6500ms...
Best way to schedule tasks in C# [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/752326/best-way-to-schedule-tasks-in-c-sharp that executes tasks or 2 Using a separate thread that sleeps for 1 second and then executes tasks when it wakes up or 3 Something..
Async/await not reacting as expected http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7892360/async-await-not-reacting-as-expected starting. Once DoSomething starts it prints out F then sleeps for a second. In the meanwhile unless thread scheduling is super..
BackgroundWorker OnWorkCompleted throws cross-thread exception http://stackoverflow.com/questions/818767/backgroundworker-onworkcompleted-throws-cross-thread-exception two buttons. The first button runs a BackgroundWorker that sleeps for 500ms and updates a counter. In the RunWorkerCompleted method..
Monitoring Garbage Collector in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9669963/monitoring-garbage-collector-in-c-sharp to use if you'd like. In this mode the GC thread sleeps until a GC is started then it goes and marks all object trees..