c# Programming Glossary: slodge
Passing on variables from ViewModel to another View (MVVMCross) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10192505/passing-on-variables-from-viewmodel-to-another-view-mvvmcross take a look at the TwitterSearch example https github.com slodge MvvmCrossTwitterSearch This has a HomeViewModel which calls.. your own custom serialised objects then please see http slodge.blogspot.co.uk 2013 01 navigating between viewmodels by more.html.. InternalsVisibleTo attribute is set see https github.com slodge MvvmCrossTwitterSearch blob master TwitterSearch.Core Properties..
MVVMCross Bindings in Android http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10495137/mvvmcross-bindings-in-android file into your UI project https github.com slodge MvvmCross blob master Cirrious Cirrious.MvvmCross.Binding ResourcesToCopy.. see any of the Android sample projects https github.com slodge MvvmCross For the second part of your question about adding..
In MvvmCross how do I do custom bind properties http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10700445/in-mvvmcross-how-do-i-do-custom-bind-properties in the Conference sample see the binding https github.com slodge MvvmCross blob master Sample 20 20CirriousConference Cirrious.Conference.UI.Droid.. binding setup in FillTargetFactories in https github.com slodge MvvmCross blob master Sample 20 20CirriousConference Cirrious.Conference.UI.Droid..
MvvmCross Monotouch - Fail to bind Properties on a real iPad, but it works on the Simulator http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11349864/mvvmcross-monotouch-fail-to-bind-properties-on-a-real-ipad-but-it-works-on-th file which does the same sort of thing https github.com slodge MvvmCross blob master Sample 20 20BestSellers BestSellers BestSellers.Droid..
?ssue with binding to GridLayout to Android http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12914544/ssue-with-binding-to-gridlayout-to-android I've heard it's quite simple to add see https github.com slodge MvvmCross issues 37 As an alternative to the grid view you could..