c# Programming Glossary: site
Parse JSON in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1212344/parse-json-in-c-sharp content The American Dairy Association u0026#39 s official site includes recipes and information on nutrition and storage of..
C# - Convert UTC/GMT time to local time http://stackoverflow.com/questions/179940/c-sharp-convert-utc-gmt-time-to-local-time convertedDate DateTime.Parse date As per this date site UTC GMT Offset Standard time zone UTC GMT 12 hours Daylight..
How to Convert JSON object to Custom C# object? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2246694/how-to-convert-json-object-to-custom-c-sharp-object Quick Starts API Documentation from JSON.NET Official site help you work with it. An example of how to use it public class..
Tips for optimizing C#/.NET programs [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2473666/tips-for-optimizing-c-net-programs tip I found the help I did long ago at here on Jon Skeet's site . c# .net optimization share improve this question It seems..
What are the correct version numbers for C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/247621/what-are-the-correct-version-numbers-for-c and framework versions is available on the C# in Depth site. This includes information about which features of C# 3.0 you..
Where to learn about VS debugger 'magic names' http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2508828/where-to-learn-about-vs-debugger-magic-names o dynamic container class SiteContainer p dynamic call site Site q dynamic delegate SiteDelegate r com ref call local ComRefCallLocal..
C#: How to Make it Harder for Hacker/Cracker to Get Around or Bypass the Licensing Check? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4532540/c-how-to-make-it-harder-for-hacker-cracker-to-get-around-or-bypass-the-licensi the point where the experience of downloading from a warez site and running it through several virus scans is better than doing..
Show Console in Windows Application? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/472282/show-console-in-windows-application look at the answers . Then there's also an insane approach site down written by Jeffrey Knight Question How do I create an application..
Inline functions in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/473782/inline-functions-in-c or compiler optimization that replaces a function call site with the body of the callee. If you are interested in anonymous..
parse and execute JS by C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4744105/parse-and-execute-js-by-c-sharp pass PreserveSig int GetScriptSite Guid riid out IntPtr site PreserveSig int SetScriptState ScriptState state PreserveSig..
How do I use WebRequest to access an SSL encrypted site using https? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/560804/how-do-i-use-webrequest-to-access-an-ssl-encrypted-site-using-https do I use WebRequest to access an SSL encrypted site using https I'm writing a program that reads content from a.. it the correct way but users may be providing urls to sites that have invalid ssl certs installed. You can ignore those..
Developing Internet Explorer Extensions? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5643819/developing-internet-explorer-extensions clicked popped a menu up that contains links to external sites. I would also like to access the DOM and plant javascript on.. all mine. This is a compilation of what I found on these sites CodeProject article how to make a BHO 15seconds but it was.. MSDN blog post contains a fully working example many other sites in the discovery process... And of course I wanted my answer..
Sending email through Gmail SMTP server with C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/704636/sending-email-through-gmail-smtp-server-with-c-sharp post it. I was just enabling this on a test ASP.NET site I was working on and it works. Actually at some point I had..
C#: Static readonly vs const http://stackoverflow.com/questions/755685/c-static-readonly-vs-const field . Const values are burned directly into the call site this is double edged it is useless if the value is fetched at..
How can I strip HTML tags from a string in ASP.NET? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/785715/how-can-i-strip-html-tags-from-a-string-in-asp-net will never contain anything that could be used to do cross site scripting or to break a page layout. It is just not very clean...
ExecuteReader requires an open and available Connection. The connection's current state is Connecting http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9705637/executereader-requires-an-open-and-available-connection-the-connections-curren The connection's current state is Connecting. The site works fine on my localhost server. This is the rough code. public.. So you're gaining no performance improvement but the opposite. If the maximum pool size specified 100 is the default is reached..
ASP.Net Version/Build Number http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1168279/asp-net-version-build-number myVersion webName.Version.ToString If you're using a Web Site project nearly the same... Assembly web Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly..
Post Publish Events http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1360579/post-publish-events event command line in Project Properties. I have a Web Site project which I Publish using the Publish... command in the..
GUI and windows service communication http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1773046/gui-and-windows-service-communication to the windows service. This was stated on the Microsoft Site. My question in this regard is What is the best mode of communication..
ASP.NET Impersonate in .NETFramework 2 VS .NETFrameWork 4 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18842970/asp-net-impersonate-in-netframework-2-vs-netframework-4 in .NETFramework 2 VS .NETFrameWork 4 We have an ASP.NET Site in .NetFramework 2 with App Pool 2 Classic in IIS 7.5 We use..
Where to learn about VS debugger 'magic names' http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2508828/where-to-learn-about-vs-debugger-magic-names method FabricatedMethod o dynamic container class SiteContainer p dynamic call site Site q dynamic delegate SiteDelegate.. dynamic container class SiteContainer p dynamic call site Site q dynamic delegate SiteDelegate r com ref call local ComRefCallLocal.. SiteContainer p dynamic call site Site q dynamic delegate SiteDelegate r com ref call local ComRefCallLocal s lock taken local..
Convert webpage to image from ASP.NET http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2715385/convert-webpage-to-image-from-asp-net http www.beansoftware.com ASP.NET Tutorials Get Web Site Thumbnail Image.aspx http www.eggheadcafe.com tutorials aspnet..
Get Component's Parent Form http://stackoverflow.com/questions/371464/get-components-parent-form this question It is important to understand that the ISite technique below only works at design time. Because ContainerControl.. will write initialization code that sets it at run time. Site is set at run time but you can't get ContainerControl from it.. ContainerControl _containerControl null and override the Site property public override ISite Site get return base.Site set..
An ASP.NET setting has been detected that does not apply in Integrated managed pipeline mode http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4209999/an-asp-net-setting-has-been-detected-that-does-not-apply-in-integrated-managed-p system32 inetsrv appcmd migrate config Default Web Site . Using AppCmd to migrate your application will enable it to.. SystemRoot system32 inetsrv appcmd set app Default Web Site applicationPool Classic .NET AppPool . Only do this if you are.. are unable to migrate your application. Set Default Web Site and Classic .NET AppPool to your application path and application..
parse and execute JS by C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4744105/parse-and-execute-js-by-c-sharp private IActiveScriptParse64 _parse64 internal ScriptSite Site private Version _version private string _name Guid BB1A2AE1.. private IActiveScriptParse64 _parse64 internal ScriptSite Site private Version _version private string _name Guid BB1A2AE1.. private interface IActiveScript PreserveSig int SetScriptSite IActiveScriptSite pass PreserveSig int GetScriptSite Guid riid..
Starting and stopping IIS Express programmatically http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4772092/starting-and-stopping-iis-express-programmatically public string ConstructCommandLine string bstrSite string bstrApplication string bstrApplicationPool string bstrConfigPath.. NotImplementedException public uint GetRunningProcessForSite string bstrSite string bstrApplication string bstrApplicationPool.. public uint GetRunningProcessForSite string bstrSite string bstrApplication string bstrApplicationPool string bstrConfigPath..
Login failed for user 'IIS APPPOOL\ASP.NET v4.0' http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7698286/login-failed-for-user-iis-apppool-asp-net-v4-0 to IIS 7 locally. So locally in IIS I have my Default Web Site with my deploy. Both my deploy and Default Web Site are on pool.. Web Site with my deploy. Both my deploy and Default Web Site are on pool ASP.NET v4.0 look image for the setting the pool..