c# Programming Glossary: skip
Why does the default parameterless constructor go away when you create one with parameters http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11792207/why-does-the-default-parameterless-constructor-go-away-when-you-create-one-with constructor in this case it would allow someone to skip the logic that I had written which might lead to my code breaking..
Adjusting HttpWebRequest Connection Timeout in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1500955/adjusting-httpwebrequest-connection-timeout-in-c-sharp through the servers on a regular interval I want to skip those taking longer than 5 seconds to connect to. So the question..
How do convert unicode escape sequences to unicode characters in a .NET string http://stackoverflow.com/questions/183907/how-do-convert-unicode-escape-sequences-to-unicode-characters-in-a-net-string Get the string representing the number part of the escape skip the first two characters . match.Value.Substring 2 Parse that..
How do I use LINQ Contains(string[]) instead of Contains(string) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/194930/how-do-i-use-linq-containsstring-instead-of-containsstring as Mitch Wheat demonstrates then you'd just be able to skip the conversion step. ENDEDIT Here is what you want if you don't..
When is it OK to catch an OutOfMemoryException and how to handle it? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2117142/when-is-it-ok-to-catch-an-outofmemoryexception-and-how-to-handle-it the last known good state in your application and possibly skip the offending corrupt data and allow it to be manually processed..
Using Protobuf-net, I suddenly got an exception about an unknown wire-type http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2152978/using-protobuf-net-i-suddenly-got-an-exception-about-an-unknown-wire-type tags largely deprecated by Google it is more expensive to skip an entire child object field since you can't just seek past..
HttpWebRequest is extremely slow! http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2519655/httpwebrequest-is-extremely-slow null before you call the GetResponse method the query will skip the proxy autodetect step request.Proxy null using var response..
Visualizing an AST created with ANTLR (in a .Net environment) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2856612/visualizing-an-ast-created-with-antlr-in-a-net-environment '.' Digit fragment Digit '0'..'9' Space ' ' ' t' ' r' ' n' skip First let ANTLR generate lexer and parser files from it java..
Visual Studio build fails: unable to copy exe-file from obj\debug to bin\debug http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2895898/visual-studio-build-fails-unable-to-copy-exe-file-from-obj-debug-to-bin-debug list what I've already tried here so people know what to skip Creating a new clean solution and just copy the files from the..
Deserialize JSON into C# dynamic object? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3142495/deserialize-json-into-c-sharp-dynamic-object JSON content into a C# 4 dynamic type It would be nice to skip creating a bunch of classes in order to use the DataContractJsonSerializer...
Does reflection breaks the idea of private methods, because private methods can be access outside of the class? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3300680/does-reflection-breaks-the-idea-of-private-methods-because-private-methods-can details. The desktop CLR supports a mode called restricted skip visibility in which the rules for how reflection and the security..
C# 3.0 generic type inference - passing a delegate as a function parameter http://stackoverflow.com/questions/407983/c-sharp-3-0-generic-type-inference-passing-a-delegate-as-a-function-parameter ways to help the compiler figure out the type ie how to skip the inference steps . From my reading of the article in JSkeet's..
Iterate over values in Flags Enum? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4171140/iterate-over-values-in-flags-enum value if bits 0L yield return value continue skip the zero value while flag bits flag 1 if flag bits yield return..
How can I create a Product Key for my C# App http://stackoverflow.com/questions/453030/how-can-i-create-a-product-key-for-my-c-sharp-app sooner or later someone will simply patch your program to skip that check and distribute the patched version. Or they will..
in a “using” block is a SqlConnection closed on return or exception? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4717789/in-a-using-block-is-a-sqlconnection-closed-on-return-or-exception Does the connection still get closed Because again we skip the rest of the code in the try and go directly to the catch..
What is the minimum client footprint required to connect C# to an Oracle database? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/70602/what-is-the-minimum-client-footprint-required-to-connect-c-sharp-to-an-oracle-da mentioned DLLs along with your application binaries and skip the PATH setting step. If you absolutely need to use the Oracle..
Virtual webcam input as byte stream http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8557723/virtual-webcam-input-as-byte-stream sample from samplegrabber into a graph If you prefer to skip programming and to just install a virtual camera that you don't..
Does Stream.Dispose always call Stream.Close (and Stream.Flush) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/911408/does-stream-dispose-always-call-stream-close-and-stream-flush MySW.Close MySW.Dispose Can I just call MySW.Dispose and skip the Close even though it is provided Are there any Stream implimentations.. improve this question Can I just call MySW.Dispose and skip the Close even though it is provided Yes thats what it's for...
how to write super fast file streaming code in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/955911/how-to-write-super-fast-file-streaming-code-in-c This assumes contiguous chunks of course. If you need to skip bits of the file you can do that from outside the method. Also..
Run multiple UI Threads http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1566791/run-multiple-ui-threads multiple UI Threads Skip to the bottom for the question this is just some extra info..
Preserving order with LINQ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/204505/preserving-order-with-linq are filtered but not re ordered. Except Intersect OfType Skip SkipWhile Take TakeWhile Where Zip new in .net 4 Destroys Order.. filtered but not re ordered. Except Intersect OfType Skip SkipWhile Take TakeWhile Where Zip new in .net 4 Destroys Order we..
Automapper: Ignore on condition of http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2451189/automapper-ignore-on-condition-of do the trick. Instead I'll look at adding a conditional Skip configuration option like Mapper.CreateMap CarViewModel Car..
How to Zip one IEnumerable with itself http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2768834/how-to-zip-one-ienumerable-with-itself then to sum the distances var distances points.Zip points.Skip 1 Distance double totalDistance distances.Sum Area and Centroid.. TSequence TResult resultSelector return seq.Zip seq.Skip 1 resultSelector Begin edit After seeing the responses I have.. any reason NOT to implement ZipMyself in terms of Zip and Skip 1 Is there already something in LINQ that automates this zipping..
What guarantees are there on the run-time complexity (Big-O) of LINQ methods? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2799427/what-guarantees-are-there-on-the-run-time-complexity-big-o-of-linq-methods all the single pass operations Select Where Count Take Skip Any All etc. will be O n since they only need to walk the sequence.. methods that use indexed access such as ElementAt Skip Last or LastOrDefault will check to see whether or not the underlying..
Returning IEnumerable<T> vs IQueryable<T> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2876616/returning-ienumerablet-vs-iqueryablet Another prime example is doing paging If you use Take and Skip on IQueryable you will only get the number of rows requested..
Refactoring Fibonacci Algorithm http://stackoverflow.com/questions/406446/refactoring-fibonacci-algorithm i This is now fully lazy and using LINQ's Skip Take etc allows you to control the start end easily. For example.. for your between query foreach long i in Fibonacci .SkipWhile x x from .TakeWhile x x to ... share improve this answer..
ANTLR 3.3 C# Tutorials? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4396080/antlr-3-3-c-sharp-tutorials exp Number '0'..'9' '.' '0'..'9' Space ' ' ' t' ' r' ' n' Skip I also added a Space rule to ignore any white spaces in the.. Number '0'..'9' '.' '0'..'9' Space ' ' ' t' ' r' ' n' Skip which can be tested with the class using System using Antlr.Runtime..
ReadOnlyCollection or IEnumerable for exposing member collections? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/491375/readonlycollection-or-ienumerable-for-exposing-member-collections a copy and avoid the simple cast by using a simple call to Skip public IEnumerable Foo Foos get return foos.Skip 0 There are.. call to Skip public IEnumerable Foo Foos get return foos.Skip 0 There are plenty of other options for wrapping trivially the.. other options for wrapping trivially the nice thing about Skip over Select Where is that there's no delegate to execute pointlessly..
Efficient way to delete a line from a text file http://stackoverflow.com/questions/532217/efficient-way-to-delete-a-line-from-a-text-file Read to the point where you want to delete the line. Skip past the line to delete and read that number of bytes including..
Random row from Linq to Sql http://stackoverflow.com/questions/648196/random-row-from-linq-to-sql to find the number of rows Count then pick one at random Skip First . for count approach var qry from row in ctx.Customers.. trip int index new Random .Next count Customer cust qry.Skip index .FirstOrDefault 2nd round trip share improve this answer..
Are 2 dimensional Lists possible in c#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/665299/are-2-dimensional-lists-possible-in-c 0 List 0 Track ID 1 Name 2 Artist 3 Album 4 Play Count 5 Skip Count 1 List And so on.... Real Example List 0 List 0 2349.. a track with Track ID Name Artist Album Play Count and Skip Count properties Then just have a List Track . share improve..
Lambda expression not returning expected MemberInfo http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6658669/lambda-expression-not-returning-expected-memberinfo illustrate my question better than a paragraph UPDATED Skip to last code block for a more eloquent code example. public..
Paginated search results with LINQ to SQL http://stackoverflow.com/questions/793718/paginated-search-results-with-linq-to-sql I must clarify a one little thing. I am aware of Take and Skip methods. But before using Take and Skip how should I get the.. aware of Take and Skip methods. But before using Take and Skip how should I get the total count of results that query would.. for paging is very simple. It involves the use of the Skip and Take extension methods as follows public IQueryable Item..