c# Programming Glossary: outcome
Unit testing and checking private variable value http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1093020/unit-testing-and-checking-private-variable-value or put differently What is the expected externally visible outcome of this implementation Depending on the answer to those questions..
Catching base Exception class in .NET http://stackoverflow.com/questions/114658/catching-base-exception-class-in-net meaningfully. However halting the process is the worst outcome I want to prevent that at all costs. If I can't handle a StackOverflow.. all costs. If I can't handle a StackOverflow so be it the outcome will be no worse than not catching exceptions at all and in..
How to remove elements from a generic list while iterating over it? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1582285/how-to-remove-elements-from-a-generic-list-while-iterating-over-it which each need processed and then depending on the outcome are removed from the list. You can't use .Remove element inside..
Entity Framework - Cannot convert lambda expression to type 'string' because it is not a delegate type http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2058487/entity-framework-cannot-convert-lambda-expression-to-type-string-because-it share improve this question For those interested in the outcome I was missing a simple Using statement at the head of my code...
simple DataGridView refresh question http://stackoverflow.com/questions/253843/simple-datagridview-refresh-question the datasource frequently and wanted to display the outcome to the user as it happens. i've got something like this made..
When to use ReleaseComObject vs FinalReleaseComObject? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3937181/when-to-use-releasecomobject-vs-finalreleasecomobject call. But that's the doomsday scenario the more likely outcome is that the call just doesn't make any difference because you..
C# if-null-then-null expression http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4244225/c-sharp-if-null-then-null-expression output should be null. Otherwise the output should be the outcome of accessing a method or property of the input object. I have..
How to check that a uri string is valid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4835269/how-to-check-that-a-uri-string-is-valid Uri.TryCreate and the constructor. You do get the expected outcome if you match the UriKind for both the constructor and TryCreate...
C# Compiler optimization - Unused methods http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5204667/c-sharp-compiler-optimization-unused-methods
Is C# really slower than say C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5326269/is-c-sharp-really-slower-than-say-c . You can certainly find benchmarks that will indicate the outcome of your choice but when you write real code you can almost always..
Why doesn't C# have support for first pass exception filtering? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/602066/why-doesnt-c-sharp-have-support-for-first-pass-exception-filtering should you care Why catch Exception empty catch is bad The outcome is that we have to write a helper function in VB.NET to allow..
Callback functions in C/C++/C# [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6183847/callback-functions-in-c-c-c operation is complete but does wish to be intimated of the outcome of the operation. Typically Callback functions help implement..
Random number generator only generating one random number http://stackoverflow.com/questions/767999/random-number-generator-only-generating-one-random-number from multiple threads you could argue we've just made the outcome even more random but what we are actually doing is potentially..
BackgroundWorker OnWorkCompleted throws cross-thread exception http://stackoverflow.com/questions/818767/backgroundworker-onworkcompleted-throws-cross-thread-exception as a main form before my Form1 but it didn't change the outcome. Here is my simple sln VS2005sp1 it requires ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF..