c# Programming Glossary: orientation
Example using Hyperlink in WPF http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10238694/example-using-hyperlink-in-wpf ScrollViewer Grid StackPanel HorizontalAlignment Right Orientation Horizontal Margin 0 7 2 7 Grid.Row 1 Button Margin 0 0 10 0..
Cannot find the memory leak http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13355496/cannot-find-the-memory-leak image_Tap TextBlock x Name MemUsage StackPanel Grid.Row 1 Orientation Horizontal Button x Name PrevButton Content Prev Width 240 Click..
How do I build a DataTemplate in c# code? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/248362/how-do-i-build-a-datatemplate-in-c-sharp-code typeof CreditCardPayment StackPanel sp new StackPanel Orientation System.Windows.Controls.Orientation.Vertical TextBlock cardHolder.. sp new StackPanel Orientation System.Windows.Controls.Orientation.Vertical TextBlock cardHolder new TextBlock ToolTip Card.. myComboFactory spFactory.SetValue StackPanel.OrientationProperty Orientation.Horizontal set up the card holder textblock..
How can a separator be added between items in an ItemsControl http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2511227/how-can-a-separator-be-added-between-items-in-an-itemscontrol WrapPanel if more appropriate for your scenario StackPanel Orientation Horizontal ItemsControl.ItemsPanel ItemsControl.ItemTemplate.. ItemsControl.ItemTemplate DataTemplate StackPanel Orientation Horizontal TextBlock x Name commaTextBlock Text TextBlock..
databind the Source property of the WebBrowser in WPF http://stackoverflow.com/questions/263551/databind-the-source-property-of-the-webbrowser-in-wpf DataType DealerLocatorAddress StackPanel Orientation Horizontal Web Control Here WebBrowser Source Binding Path.. Disabled Width 300 Height 200 StackPanel Orientation Vertical StackPanel Orientation Horizontal Label Content Binding.. Height 200 StackPanel Orientation Vertical StackPanel Orientation Horizontal Label Content Binding Path CompanyName FontWeight..
How do I rotate a label in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/416897/how-do-i-rotate-a-label-in-c can set the text in any direction angle summary #region Orientation Orientation of the text public enum Orientation Circle Arc Rotate.. text in any direction angle summary #region Orientation Orientation of the text public enum Orientation Circle Arc Rotate public.. #region Orientation Orientation of the text public enum Orientation Circle Arc Rotate public enum Direction Clockwise AntiClockwise..
WPF/MVVM - how to handle double-click on TreeViewItems in the ViewModel? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4497825/wpf-mvvm-how-to-handle-double-click-on-treeviewitems-in-the-viewmodel ProjectViewModel ItemsSource Binding Children StackPanel Orientation Horizontal Image Width 16 Height 16 Margin 3 0 Source Images.. PumpViewModel ItemsSource Binding Children StackPanel Orientation Horizontal Image Width 16 Height 16 Margin 3 0 Source Images.. x Type Implementations PumpDesignViewModel StackPanel Orientation Horizontal Image Width 16 Height 16 Margin 3 0 Source Images..
How to access a specific item in a Listbox with DataTemplate? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5181063/how-to-access-a-specific-item-in-a-listbox-with-datatemplate ListBox.ItemTemplate DataTemplate StackPanel Orientation Horizontal Margin 0 0 0 0 toolkit ContextMenuService.ContextMenu..
“The Controls collection cannot be modified because the control contains code blocks” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/778952/the-controls-collection-cannot-be-modified-because-the-control-contains-code-bl TargetControlID txtSlider BoundControlID lblSliderValue Orientation Horizontal EnableHandleAnimation true Length 200 Minimum..
WPF C# InputBox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8103743/wpf-c-sharp-inputbox VerticalAlignment Center x Name InputTextBox StackPanel Orientation Horizontal HorizontalAlignment Center Button x Name YesButton..
What does it mean when you say C# is component oriented language? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1234283/what-does-it-mean-when-you-say-c-sharp-is-component-oriented-language considered to be part of the starting platform for service orientation throughout software engineering for example Web Services and..
?ssue with binding to GridLayout to Android http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12914544/ssue-with-binding-to-gridlayout-to-android fill_parent android layout_height fill_parent android orientation vertical local MvxItemTemplate @layout listitem_row local MvxBind.. fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android orientation horizontal local MvxItemTemplate @layout listitem_cell local..
Dynamically Updating TabControl Content at Runtime http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15209870/dynamically-updating-tabcontrol-content-at-runtime BackGround.Height 38 Initialize Stack Panel set orientation and add to tab control StackPanel panel new StackPanel panel.Orientation..
WebBrowser print settings http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19098571/webbrowser-print-settings print settings How ca i change my html document orientation to Landscape for printing using WebBrowser control. var browser.. args var ws sender as WebBrowser change paper size and orientation ws.Print browser.Navigate path I need to change paper size format.. path I need to change paper size format to C5 and orientation to Landscape before printing. How can i do this without any..
Creating a table with Silverlight for Windows Phone 7 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4562104/creating-a-table-with-silverlight-for-windows-phone-7 equally I don't want to use fixed width because when the orientation changes from portrait to landscape the colums would resize automatically...
Is there an efficient algorithm for segmentation of handwritten text? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8015001/is-there-an-efficient-algorithm-for-segmentation-of-handwritten-text of every 5 degrees from the horizontal. The scan orientation with the greatest peak valley differences would indicate the..
How to find the actual printable area? (PrintDocument) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8761633/how-to-find-the-actual-printable-area-printdocument depending on our software settings for the print document orientation . So following the rough model of the sample code you posted..
Matrix / coordinate transformation order http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8834070/matrix-coordinate-transformation-order image scan it and try to read it again. The image contains orientation markers that allow me to calculate the transformations applied..
What is ?œOutbound Transaction??in layman terms? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9631349/what-is-outbound-transaction-in-layman-terms is œOutbound Transaction in the context of strong service orientation Can you give an example READING What is SOA in plain english..