c# Programming Glossary: outputfile
GnuPG Wrapper with C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1214026/gnupg-wrapper-with-c-sharp FileStream @ c temp source.txt FileMode.Open FileStream outputFile new FileStream @ c temp output.txt FileMode.Create encrypt the..
Nested using statements in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1329739/nested-using-statements-in-c-sharp TestArea FileInfo files di.GetFiles filename . FileInfo outputFile files.Where f f.Extension .out .Single FileInfo FileInfo expectedFile.. FileInfo using StreamReader outFile new StreamReader outputFile.OpenRead using StreamReader expFile new StreamReader expectedFile.OpenRead.. like this using StreamReader outFile new StreamReader outputFile.OpenRead using StreamReader expFile new StreamReader expectedFile.OpenRead..
How to programmatically download a large file in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2269607/how-to-programmatically-download-a-large-file-in-c-sharp Uri uri new Uri inputFileUrl client.DownloadFile uri outputFile catch Exception ex throw Another way is to use a command line..
How to copy a file while it is being used by other process http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6167136/how-to-copy-a-file-while-it-is-being-used-by-other-process FileAccess.Read FileShare.ReadWrite using var outputFile new FileStream newFile.txt FileMode.Create var buffer new byte..
How to join 2 or more .WAV files together programatically? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6777340/how-to-join-2-or-more-wav-files-together-programatically the same format. public static void Concatenate string outputFile IEnumerable string sourceFiles byte buffer new byte 1024 WaveFileWriter.. in create new Writer waveFileWriter new WaveFileWriter outputFile reader.WaveFormat else if reader.WaveFormat.Equals waveFileWriter.WaveFormat..
Itextsharp: Adjust 2 elements on exactly one page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7590071/itextsharp-adjust-2-elements-on-exactly-one-page Test PDF that we are creating string outputFile Path.Combine workingFolder Output.pdf Get an array of all JPEGs.. iTextSharp PDF init using FileStream fs new FileStream outputFile FileMode.Create FileAccess.Write FileShare.None using Document..
Highlighting text ( colors ) of existing PDF using iTextsharp using C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8582706/highlighting-text-colors-of-existing-pdf-using-itextsharp-using-c-sharp sender EventArgs e Create a simple test file string outputFile Path.Combine Environment.GetFolderPath Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop.. Test.pdf using FileStream fs new FileStream outputFile FileMode.Create FileAccess.Write FileShare.None using Document.. and stamper to our test PDF PdfReader reader new PdfReader outputFile using FileStream fs new FileStream highLightFile FileMode.Create..